Thursday, October 1, 2009

Quinn the Eskimo (New quote/question)

"A new untruth is better than an old truth." -Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Is this the approach we should take to addressing how to learn in the 21st century? Correct answers are a click away; however, creative answers, or better yet questions, could change our world.


  1. just because it is and old truth doesnt mean it's we should dismiss it because it is still the truth, if it is and untruth it just makes things complicated and fills thing full of lies. am i getting this right?

  2. Well, truths are easy to find now. You can google almost any subject and get the facts. However, the value might be in trying to think in such a new way, even if the answer isn't right. How we think might be more importnat than what we think. Do you know what I mean?
