Friday, October 30, 2009

Harley (Republican's Enjoy)


  1. I won't shoot. However, do these play into the sterotype that the GOP has become a party of bumper sticker solutions. Perhaps, this worked well during the early 2000's (Karl Rove especially did this well), but the 2008 election may have rejected this strategy.

  2. Haha I can totally see that! There were all these bumperstickers at the Palin rally too. Lol I hadn't considered how much mobile advertising they use. -HQ

  3. The Dems like their bumper stickers too, but, for some reason, GOP stickers seemed to have a bigger impact in over the past 10 years. I think the problem with bumper stickers, in generall, is they try to take very comlex issues and reduce them to a slogan. Thanks for sharing, though, what a fun topic to discus- Quinn
