Thursday, October 15, 2009

Harley (In response to Gender Affects Job)

Haha naturally I'm going to be the one on here saying that yes there are certain jobs that are better for women and certain jobs that are better for men. NOT saying that men/women wouldn't be capable of doing both jobs. Here are a few examples:
--Cosmetology-- more likely to be women
--Social Workers-- more likely to be women
--Construction Workers-- more likely to be men
--Interior Decorators-- more likely to be women
--Roughnecks-- more likely to be men
--Mechanics-- more likely to be men
Would you agree that there are jobs that just jive better with men and certain jobs that jive better with women? Again, I am NOT saying that women/men cannot do all jobs. Men were built to be able to handle more labor intensive jobs than women I will admit it. However, I feel (like in the Social Worker example) that women are built better emotionally (NOT saying guys aren't emotional but I think you'll understand what I mean) for jobs that require one-on-one discussions about emotions, etc.

----As for the discussion about being sued for gender discrimination: How would that work as you're running a private business? Wouldn't it be similar to turning a customer away? "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone."

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