Thursday, October 1, 2009

Banana Pancakes (Brick Bat & Quinn)

Brick Bat: I bileve religion and faith has become so radical for a couple reasons. The first is that people are afraid of their own morality and have determined they need a religion to govern every emotion that they feel. I also think another reason why religion has become so radical is because of the power aspect. Fear is power and if a religion, such as muslim or christain extremists, want more power they can instill fear in others through threats of "hell" or go in and bomb a location or a people. As to your question if we need something to bileve in, I think that many people feel like they need something to bielve in, but not all people do, such as the people that do bielve in Zen or the like.

Quinn: I agree completly I dont bielve that religion should govern the things proven by science and that science should govern the things we dont understand, such as where a soul or life spirit goes after it has passed on. Bad things would happen if both religion and scienced governed both things or the same things.

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