Monday, November 9, 2009

John Jacob Jingle Hiemer Schmidt to Kool Kat

What does being poor or rich have to do with having an opinion?


  1. House Bill 3962 would allow a family of four that basically makes less than $33,000 a year to qualify for the public option. The Senate Bill being proposed would allow a family of four that makes less than $29,000 to qualify for the public option. Also, single payers that make over $500,000 would see an additional 5% tax in crease, and couples making over $1,000,000 would see an additional 5% tax increase. So, the public option deal with being rich or poor to some extent. -QE

  2. Because rich people have more money to pay for health care. Yes they do have to pay a little bit more for it than we do, but the price will still go up for us, right? Or am I getting the wrong idea.KK
