Monday, November 9, 2009

John Jacob Jingle Hiemer Schmidt on Health Care Bill

Wont the health care bill actually hurt the country. With the private option pretty much outta luck won't that lose more jobs and go against the President's agenda of creating more jobs? Also won't the cost of it add even more debt to the countries already growing debt.


  1. You ask good questions. Will it cause debt? It depends on how the bill comes out. President Obama asked for a deficit neutral bill; however, there seems to be disagreement over if the House and Senate Bill will actually be neutral. The Congressional Budget Officer said the first House bill was not deficit neutral, but they believe they determined that 3200 and now 3962 are in fact deficit neutral. The other side of the story is health care currently consumes 10% of our GDP. The Public Option, in theory, would cause the private sector to reduce their prices about 30%, which will make it cheaper on small buisnesses an indiviuals to pay for health insurance. Which then, I would agure allows buisnesses to hire more and consumers to spend more.-QE
