Tuesday, February 23, 2010

President Obama.

President Obama. First time when I heard about him it was an election tie between him and others. I was glad when he won, becouse he is more socialist i guess. Some friends of mine watched politics news really close, this way they involved me. Facing the truth of the past, like slavery past and selecting as a president african american is a step forward from this past. For me it was a sign of democrasy. The choose between first african american president and first women president that was made in USA made me wonder was it just attemt to prove democratic and racism-free state. What if there was Sarah Palin AND Mrs. Obama electual tie. Who would win? Still why the man has civil rights before woman does. A few years passed there is Medicare reforms, which is not perfect but it always good to make at least an attempt.


  1. So, do you think Pres. Obama will be remebered in a positive or negative way? What will people think of Sarah Palin and those people that do not like Pre. Obama? -QE

  2. It is hard to say now, but i think Pres. obama will take a great place in US history with Medicare reform. From my expirience as foreigen student...Copays for me seems over expensive. Now many people don`t like changes, but i think iyt is a short term. It should be changed in some way, which President does. Anyway, not everything depends on him, becouse first it bill has to pass congress and so on. Sarah Palin may disagree with political views with Obama, but still I think he is great because he took this not "wide popular " step.

  3. I've heard that health care reform is rarely popular when it's being passed, but it becomes more popular over time. We'll see though.-QE

  4. Orange revolution
    It happend about 4 years ago in Ukrain. It was over election. Two participants Vctor yushenko and victor Yanukovich. Meeting and protests were organized by supporters of Yushenko. According to Results of elections Yanukovich won, but they were both very popular. So Yushenko asked for justice, becouse he thought and actually had evidence that results were falce. So all people suprting him went to the main streets blocked tranportationand based a camp. Orange color became simbol of this division. The main point was "Orange people" were for entering in NATO, other party was more pro-Russian, which makes sense because Russsia is selling gas for half-prize. So, in the end there was reelection and Yushenko won.

  5. It is difficult to say. I do understand thier language, but i don`t understand their politics at all. Russia did a lot for them and guess what? Did not have any "Future expectations". At one point of time it even gave them land. Krym is a great city, great island. That was a stupid desion, it was done in USSR. Their economy is based on Russia. Gas electrisity, if Russia turn sources off. I think Russian Oil company did it one time for a few hours. It was a scandle, but it helped. Still no matter how they epend on Russia , does it mean control. ? Apperantly no. I do`nt think about it much.
