Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15th-18th

SSI Assignment for February 9th-12th
Directions: Answer 45 points worth of questions, and consider the rubric below.
1. Create your History Day Project. (5-40 points; check with Mr. Conn). Go to for more details.
2. Participate in the “Round Table Discussion” regarding Mock Trial. (5-10 points)(High School only)
3. (high School only) Based on the information we gatherered from the attorney coach, rewrite direcr or cross examination questions for your witness (20 points)
4. Write a rough draft of an opening. (20 points)
5. Go on a world history Socratic journey using a Thinking Triangle. You should find new learning to evidence in your triangle. (5 points)

Rubric11-12 Points (Advanced) Student demonstrated a thoughtful and personal quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear advanced, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.
9-10 Points (Proficient) Student demonstrated a sufficient and relevant quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear proficient, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.
7-8 Points (Partly Proficient) Student demonstrated a minimal and superficial quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear partly proficient, as evidenced by your use of words, sources, and depth of research.
1-6 Points (Incomplete) You have remnants of knew knowledge but did research provide the research necessary, effort, and thought.

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