Thursday, May 20, 2010

John Jacob Jingle Hiemer Schmidt

George IV of the united Kingdom was hated for his lavish lifestyle. He was good at bribing other politicians and being bribed himself. In the movie, Black Adder, Hugh Laurie(House) play George and his acting brings out the stupidity that was assumed about George IV. The movie is a comedy and also stars Mr Bean.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Banana Pancakes (ISEF 2010)

These are a few of the images that I took while i was in San Jose for the international science fair. There were 1611 students there from 59 different countries. Morroco made its first apperance here. Oh one last note. I really want the life of a Sea Lion

Banana Pancakes (ISEF 2010)

Banana Pancakes (ISEF 2010)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Under Armour- Paige

*Founded 1996 Kevin Plank(a football player for Maryland)

*His idea was to make a t-shirt made from high tech fabric

*The fabric he chose was designed to wick the sweat or other moisture from the athletes body and send it to the outside of the clothing so it almost wipes off, instead of getting soaked into the clothing. (Wick- any piece of material that draws liquid up by capillary action)

*He believed the athlete could perform better if they were dry, and this fabric would regulate body temperature

*$310,000 to start his business

*November 18th, 1995- first prototype

*Set up shop in his grandmothers basement

*His first sale was to Georgia Tech University

*Shortly after, he was supplying his performance apparel to more division one football teams and over 2 dozen National Football Teams.

*After he realized that his performance wear that kept people dry, regulated their body temperature, and kept them comfortable because it was light weight, could be used by more than just athletes he decided to make a 5 product line:


*1998- Under Armour became the offical supplier of the Nation Football League Europe

*Under Armour supplied clothing for the movie “Any Given Sunday" and “The Replacements

*2000- Under Armour had 8000 official retail locations all over the world

*Major Sponsors

-Major league lacrosse
-Major league Soccer
-National Hockey League
-USA Baseball
-US Ski Team

Plank's Moto-if you create product for the people who will appreciate it most, then it will sell.

Weekly Points for Final

Weekly Points for Finals Week
Directions: Answer 45 points worth of questions, and consider the rubric below.* Required
1. Read a book about a history topic (perhaps next year’s History Day: Debate and Diplomacy), a cite your book with annotation in Turban Humanities.(10-25 points)
2. Interview an expert and/or primary source about next year’s History Day Topic. (1 point per question)
4. Update an original website that you have already created. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. This especially will work when you comment on someone else’s post on the blog. (3 points per post)
5. Read an article about any social studies topic. Write a summarization of the article as well as your own thoughts in 100-150 words. (10 points)
6. Create a piece of art based on a moment or person in history (10-25 points)
7. Go on a world history Socratic journey using a Thinking Triangle. You should find new learning to evidence in your triangle. (5 points)
8. Create a time capsule for Fleming High School 2009-2010. This should include more than just year book info. You could think about items like: What were the favorite songs, T.V. programs, books, etc? How many people approve of the Obama administration? How many people identify with the TEA Party? How did people react to major events in history this year?
*9. After a year of social inquiry, what was the most important ideas that stuck out to you? In an essay of 200-300 words, share what you walked away from this class with. If you do not give deep thoughts, I cannot give you full credit. (15 points)
100% + (Advanced) Student demonstrated a thoughtful and personal quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear advanced, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.
92-99% (Proficient) Student demonstrated a sufficient and relevant quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear proficient, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.
64-91%(Partly Proficient) Student demonstrated a minimal and superficial quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear partly proficient, as evidenced by your use of words, sources, and depth of research.
1-63% Points (Incomplete) You have remnants of knew knowledge but did research provide the research necessary, effort, and thought.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kyrgystan`s revolution of 2010, April

First I heard about it from my friend on-line. She was shoked that i did not know anything. She told me that Pres. Bekishev was accused in thieft of state level. Opposition started demonstrashions. Things turned ugly - violence, millitary and shooting. About 80 people got killed.

President escaped from his residence and was nowhere to be found.

Different sourses of news tells very different stories about who planned this revolution. Some say Russia, sother say USA..

For a fact, new goverment leader is Roza Otunbayeva. She promisses democrasy and justice. Situation is difficu;t and confusing. Mr. Bekishev shoved up in south part of Kyrgystan, where he has support of citizens. He does not want to resign, but he probably does not planning on going back to Bishkek(capital) due to how many people suffered from revolution.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Weekly Points for May 11th- May 14th
Directions: Answer 40 points worth of questions, and consider the rubric below.* New Choice
1. Locate a rare primary source. I would like to begin to create a museum of primary sources. I will negotiate the price, in terms of points, for each primary source. Also, be sure to document where you found it, and the steps you took to obtain it. Get all Indian Jones style on this one. (5 points per source)
2. Read a book about a history topic (perhaps next year’s History Day: Debate and Diplomacy), a cite your book with annotation in Turban Humanities.(10-25 points)
3. Interview an expert and/or primary source about next year’s History Day Topic. (1 point per question)
3. Create an original website based on economics, politics, culture, or innovation. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. (10-25 points)
4. Update an original website that you have already created. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. This especially will work when you comment on someone else’s post on the blog. (3 points per post)
5. Read an article about any social studies topic. Write a summarization of the article as well as your own thoughts in 100-150 words. (10 points)
6. Invent a game based on a social studies topic (10-25 points)
7. Create a piece of art based on a moment or person in history (10-25 points)
8. Go on a world history Socratic journey using a Thinking Triangle. You should find new learning to evidence in your triangle. (5 points)
10. Write thank-you letters for Mock Trial and History Day. Check with Mr. Conn for more information. (10 points) –Weld County Bar or Larry Unrein,
11. Write a newspaper column of 250-500 words based a social studies topic. This can be an editorial (subjective) or more reporting on an event (objective). Post your column on the blog. Be ready for disagreements if you chose an editorial. (20-25 points)
12. Create a political cartoon based a social studies topic. This can be an editorial (subjective) or more reporting on an event (objective). Post your cartoon on the blog. Be ready for disagreements if you chose an editorial. (20-25 points)
*13. Participate in the Friday Game. (10 points)
*14. Current Issues discussion. Speak with Mr. Conn for more details (10 points)
*15. Create a survey and interpret the results. (10 Points)

100% + (Advanced) Student demonstrated a thoughtful and personal quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear advanced, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.
92-99% (Proficient) Student demonstrated a sufficient and relevant quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear proficient, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.
64-91%(Partly Proficient) Student demonstrated a minimal and superficial quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear partly proficient, as evidenced by your use of words, sources, and depth of research.
1-63% Points (Incomplete) You have remnants of knew knowledge but did research provide the research necessary, effort, and thought.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

harriet tubman

Harriet Tubman freed over 200 slaves in only 16 trips back to the plantations.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The national Oath of Turkmenistan.


What do you think about it?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Movies in minutes

This is youtube project started by Ryan Higa, Sean Fujiyoshi, Tim Enos, Tarynn Nago, and Bryson MurataRyan Higa, Sean Fujiyoshi, Tim Enos, Tarynn Nago, and Bryson Murata. They are famous for their comedy videos on Youtube channel, nigahiga. They started thier group "Nigahiga" about 3 years ago. Currently they are the most suscribed channel.

Picture sourse

Zhenya - book about Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart was a great woman and great pilot, social worker, feminist. Rom childhood she was brave, high spirited child. Amelia liked to read and play “boy`s” games she loved speed and was brave or even fearless. Her parents had lots of financial problems mostly because of her loving but struggling father. At age of 11 she saw airplane first time in her life, but it did not impress her much. She was in many schools, because her family moved a lot and after graduation she took a lot of different jobs and tried herself in different fields of work. Until one day when she was on airplane show pilot went down playing and scaring people but Amelia stayed , for her it was like plane talked to her . It was her new passion. She worked on different jobs to have money for studing. She started to fly. During the war she was a nerse and then after a social worker. She became a first woman to cross Atlantic Ocean. in 1928. She set a lot woman`s records. first non-stop along the coast. She was very popular when her plane disapeared near Pacific ocean.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weekly Points 4/27-4/30

Weekly Points for April 27th -April 30th
Directions: Answer 25 points worth of questions, and consider the rubric below.
1. Locate a rare primary source. I would like to begin to create a museum of primary sources. I will negotiate the price, in terms of points, for each primary source. Also, be sure to document where you found it, and the steps you took to obtain it. Get all Indiana Jones style on this one.
2. Read a book about your history day topic, a cite your book with annotation in Turban Humanities.(10-25 points)
3. Put the final touches on your History Day Project. (5-25 points; check with Mr. Conn) Go to for more details.
3. Create an original website based on economics, politics, culture, or innovation. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. (10-25 points)
4. Update an original website that you have already created. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. This especially will work when you comment on someone else’s post on the blog. (3 points per post)
5. Read an article about any social studies topic. Write a summarization of the article as well as your own thoughts in 100-150 words. (10 points)
6. Invent a game based on a social studies topic (10-25 points)
7. Create a piece of art based on a moment or person in history (10-25 points)
8. Go on a world history Socratic journey using a Thinking Triangle. You should find new learning to evidence in your triangle. (5 points)
10. Write thank-you letters for Mock Trial and History Day. Check with Mr. Conn for more information. (10 points) –Weld County Bar or Larry Unrein,
11. Write a newspaper column of 250-500 words based a social studies topic. This can be an editorial (subjective) or more reporting on an event (objective). Post your column on the blog. Be ready for disagreements if you chose an editorial. (20-25 points)
12. Create a political cartoon based a social studies topic. This can be an editorial (subjective) or more reporting on an event (objective). Post your cartoon on the blog. Be ready for disagreements if you chose an editorial. (20-25 points)

Rubric100% + (Advanced) Student demonstrated a thoughtful and personal quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear advanced, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.92-99% (Proficient) Student demonstrated a sufficient and relevant quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear proficient, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.64-91%(Partly Proficient) Student demonstrated a minimal and superficial quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear partly proficient, as evidenced by your use of words, sources, and depth of research.1-63% Points (Incomplete) You have remnants of knew knowledge but did research provide the research necessary, effort, and thought.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Forrest Gump is sad and funny at the same time. His IQ level was below normal, thats why Forrest was bullied in school. That`s when he met Jenny, his true love. Forrest incapable of walking starts to run from bullies and runs into collage football game passes the fastest players. That`s how he enters collage. After graduation he and Jenny go on different roads. He becomes a soldier in vietnam war and jenny became folk singer. Forrest does not know that`s a war like killing , fighting. He and his best friend Bobo. For forrest, they just walking, till once when rain stoped and Vietnam soldiers started to fire. he saved many lifes, got injured himself. Al the time he was thinking about his jenny. Jenny was away, she started to drink, doing drugs. after war they met again for a short while and separate again. She turned to her life again. he became boat captain. he became rich. Jenny came back to him, he asked her to marry hm she said the morning she was gone... He was depressed and ...started to run. He runned for 3 years 6 months and 14 days and stopped. people asked him if he was running for black rights. During Vietnam war he met Bubba, who`s dream was a shrimp restaurant. Company in california inspired by movie named its seafood restaurant Bubba Gump Company. forrest is from Alabama State events in movie that recall case of Browns vs board of education

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20-24

Weekly Points for April 20th -March 24th
Directions: Answer 45 points worth of questions, and consider the rubric below.
1. Locate a rare primary source. I would like to begin to create a museum of primary sources. This could be for a history day project, the veteran’s assembly, and your favorite topic in history. I will negotiate the price, in terms of points, for each primary source. Also, be sure to document where you found it, and the steps you took to obtain it. Get all Indiana Jones style on this one.
2. Read a book about your history day topic, a cite your book with annotation in Turban Humanities.(10-40 points)
3. Work on your History Day Project. (5-40 points; check with Mr. Conn) Go to for more details.
3. Create an original website based on economics, politics, culture, or innovation. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. (10-40 points)
4. Update an original website that you have already created. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. This especially will work when you comment on someone else’s post on the blog. (3 points per post)
5. Read an article about any social studies topic. Write a summarization of the article as well as your own thoughts in 100-150 words. (10 points)
6. Invent a game based on a social studies topic (10-40 points)
7. Create a piece of art based on a moment or person in history (10-30 points)
8. Go on a world history Socratic journey using a Thinking Triangle. You should find new learning to evidence in your triangle. (5 points)
10. Write thank-you letters for Mock Trial and History Day. Check with Mr. Conn for more information. (10 points) –Weld County Bar or Larry Unrein,
11. Write a newspaper column of 250-500 words based a social studies topic. This can be an editorial (subjective) or more reporting on an event (objective). Post your column on the blog. Be ready for disagreements if you chose an editorial. (20-40 points)
12. Create a political cartoon based a social studies topic. This can be an editorial (subjective) or more reporting on an event (objective). Post your cartoon on the blog. Be ready for disagreements if you chose an editorial. (20-40 points)
13. Watch Foorest Gump, and write a 100-200 response to the following question.
Was Forrest Gump an accurate account, altough fictional, of U.S. history? Please cite at least two sources outside of the movie to defend your case. Sources should be written in APA or MLA style and include annotation. (40 points)

Rubric100% + (Advanced) Student demonstrated a thoughtful and personal quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear advanced, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.92-99% (Proficient) Student demonstrated a sufficient and relevant quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear proficient, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.64-91%(Partly Proficient) Student demonstrated a minimal and superficial quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear partly proficient, as evidenced by your use of words, sources, and depth of research.1-63% Points (Incomplete) You have remnants of knew knowledge but did research provide the research necessary, effort, and thought.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Danny Glover arrested for Civil Disobebience

Danny Glover arrested for trespassingWENN, April 16, 2010
Related: News, Danny Glover
"Lethal Weapon" star Danny Glover has been charged with trespassing after taking part in a noisy protest against a U.S. food giant in Maryland.
The actor was among a group of 12 people who were arrested by local armed police following a rally regarding unfair business practices outside the Sodexo Headquarters in Gaithersburg on Friday.
RELATED: See what other celebs have gotten in trouble with the law
Protesters claim workers in the Sodexo cafeteria were being paid low wages and had had their civil rights violated.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Zhenya primary source

Nuclear plan and pipeline geopolitics
Toronto Star (Canada); 04/16/2010
Accession Number:
Persistent link to this record (Permalink):
Newspaper Source
Nuclear plan and pipeline geopolitics

Obama's nuclear initiative riddled with contradictions, April 15
Section: Editorial, pg. A22
Obama's nuclear initiative riddled with
contradictions, April 15
I applaud Haroon Siddiqui for exposing the link between Barack Obama's nuclear initiative and pipeline geopolitics in the Middle East. The U.S. focuses on Iran's alleged nuclear weapons ambition but fails to mention that Iran has the world's second largest reserves of oil and gas.
Also ignored is the fact that U.S. military bases encircle Iran. Energy concerns have underpinned U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East for decades.
By drawing attention to geopolitics, Siddiqui looks beyond the superficial to the essence. Pipeline geopolitics are immense but seldom discussed. Pipelines link trading partners and affect the balance of power in the region. Against U.S. wishes, Pakistan has agreed to a pipeline from Iran. The U.S. favours TAPI, a project to import gas from Turkmenistan via Afghanistan to Pakistan and India. Turkmenistan has the world's fourth largest reserves of natural gas. The TAPI project is in the Afghan Development Plan (2008) and in documentation referenced by G8 foreign ministers at their Gatineau meeting in March. And now there's a troop surge in Afghanistan along the route of the proposed pipeline. A coincidence?
John Foster, Kingston

Zhenya Primary source


Source: FDCH Political Transcripts; 12/14/2005


Committee Name:

Place of Event:

Accession Number:

Persistent link to this record (Permalink):

Database: Middle Search Plus

Form 18's new service name comes from article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I think it is worthwhile to read that out, because that is one of the basic benchmarks against which one should consider the performance of the governments of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. It reads: everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others, and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."
The governments of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in virtue of their membership in the OSCE, are also committed to observe the Helsinki Final Act of 1975. This states the binding importance of, and I quote, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief." The governments, I repeat, have freely agreed to actually observe and commit themselves to fulfill those commitments. These commitments recognize that freedom of religion or belief is a litmus test of the state of human rights in any society, embracing as it does freedom of speech and association, freedom to promote one's beliefs, freedom to change one's beliefs, freedom to think differently, freedom of the media, and so on.
We had a rather dramatic demonstration of this in August in Uzbekistan when our correspondent, Igor Rotar, was detained by the Uzbek government. When Igor asked on what charges he was being detained, then he was asked to guess what he should be detained under. And so he started to make some guesses. Then the officials said to him, just say yes or no."
This illustrates that when one considers Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, one is not considering states where the rule of law can be said to apply. We are looking at states where it is instead the whim of the government. Both these states have agreed to observe the international human rights standards, I have observed, and others, and they have agreed to do so repeatedly, and all of these states break them. So implementation and how we can actually pressure such governments to implement the commitments that they have freely made is a key issue, not least because it is the citizens of these countries, as we have so graphically heard just now, who bear the consequences of their own government's lack of good faith.
My colleague Felix Corley will now pick out some major issues that affect both Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. They are just some of the major issues. We hope that more will appear in questions and answers. We would also encourage you to actually seek more detail in the question and answer session that will follow.

This source is a disscussion about religious freedoms in Uzbekistan and turkmenistan. (Turkmenistan~s Constitution declares religious freedom) Anonimus tells the story about his or her expirience in 1994, when Turkmenistan just got Independence. This person who had Christian believes started to atend the Church abnd got in trouble.


Magic Man

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mock Trial Opportunity

Dear Colorado High School Mock Trial Coaches,

The United States Air Force Academy would like to extend an invitation to you and your high school students to tour their school and watch a collegiate-level mock trial between their cadets and attorney faculty. This mock trial is April 29 at 4 p.m. The tour would start at 3 p.m. The trial should last no more then an hour and a half. After the trial, they will open it up for any questions your students might have about their mock trial program. If you are interested, please RSVP to Assistant Professor of Law Captain Johanna A. Astle at or (719) 333-7020 by April 19.

Thanks and congrats to a great year!

Summary of their case:

State of Midlands v. Jackie Owens:

The police believe that Jacob Bennett was killed on June 16, 2008. The last day he was seen was on the evening of June 16 leaving his office at 10:00 PM. On July 9, 2008 Jacob Bennett’s body was found at the base of Calkins Cliffs. The autopsy revealed that he had suffered a gunshot wound to his chest. Jacob Bennett was a part of Trifecta Entertainment, a movie production company, with two other partners, Casey Maxwell and Jackie Owens. Jacob Bennett was a movie producer; Jackie Owens and Casey Maxwell are movie directors. The police believe that money was the motive in his death and that Casey Maxwell and Jackie Owens conspired to kill Jacob Bennett.


Meghan S. Bush
Program Manager

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Wow haha I haven't been on here in ages. Had to take a little time to get caught up again. I see that we're doing top tens in both music and movies so here goes...forgive me for I am a little eclectic. Eclectic here meaning -- "Someone who makes decisions on the basis of what seems best instead of following some single doctorine or style." (Google Definitions). Here are my top twelve musicians...

1. John Lennon
2. Paul McCartney
3. Mick Jagger
4. Jimi Hendrix
5. Eric Clapton
6. Johnny Cash

Zhenya - Slavery in 21st century

Slavery is a labor or a service that is provided under the vilolent forse or threat. A lot of open examples of clear slavery got ignored and practicly not seen. One of the great examples - Haiti. Slavery there is in the worst degree. Desperate parents sell their children themselves, becouse of the life conditions.Many organizations like Un , Free the Slaves,

Paige-Political Cartoon

Fleming Pond

Paige--~First Steer Wrestler~

This man was the first steer wrestler, what is his name?

April 13th- April 16th

Weekly Points for April 13th – 16th
Directions: Answer 45 points worth of questions, and consider the rubric below.
1. Locate a rare primary source. I would like to begin to create a museum of primary sources. This could be for a history day project, the veteran’s assembly, and your favorite topic in history. I will negotiate the price, in terms of points, for each primary source. Also, be sure to document where you found it, and the steps you took to obtain it. Get all Indian Jones style on this one.
2. Read a book about your history day topic, a cite your book with annotation in Turban Humanities.(10-40 points)
3. Work on your History Day Project. (5-40 points; check with Mr. Conn) Go to for more details.
3. Create an original website based on economics, politics, culture, or innovation. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. (10-40 points)
4. Update an original website that you have already created. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. This especially will work when you comment on someone else’s post on the blog. (3 points per post)
5. Read an article about any social studies topic. Write a summarization of the article as well as your own thoughts in 100-150 words. (10 points)
6. Rank the top 15 entertainers of the past 50 years, and briefly explain your rational. Post you list on the blog. (15 points)
7. Create a piece of art based on a moment or person in history (10-30 points)
8. Go on a world history Socratic journey using a Thinking Triangle. You should find new learning to evidence in your triangle. (5 points)
9. Write a newspaper column of 250-500 words based a social studies topic. This can be an editorial (subjective) or more reporting on an event (objective). Post your column on the blog. Be ready for disagreements if you chose an editorial. (20-40 points)
10. Create a political cartoon based a social studies topic. This can be an editorial (subjective) or more reporting on an event (objective). Post your cartoon on the blog. Be ready for disagreements if you chose an editorial. (20-40 points)
11. Create a time capsule of this school year. (10-40 ponits)

Rubric100% + (Advanced) Student demonstrated a thoughtful and personal quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear advanced, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.
92-99% (Proficient) Student demonstrated a sufficient and relevant quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear proficient, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.
64-91%(Partly Proficient) Student demonstrated a minimal and superficial quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear partly proficient, as evidenced by your use of words, sources, and depth of research.
1-63% Points (Incomplete) You have remnants of knew knowledge but did research provide the research necessary, effort, and thought.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ally Top 15 Christian Artists

Top 15 Christian Artists
1. Skillet
I choose this band because most the albums they sell have lyrics that pertain to everyday life and they have many songs that catchy tune.
2. FM Static
This band writes about love life and all the struggles that come with it and that is why I enjoy the songs.
3. Falling Up
The band has many songs which refer to how imperfect people are, but how sufficient the grace of God is to compensate for it.
4. Hawk Nelson
This band composes many songs of what teenagers go through in life. Also they are very popular for their songs because of all the media.
5. The Fray
The bands lyrics on both albums that they have written revolve around life's problems and issues. Common themes include troubled relationships, growing up, the problem of evil, war and happiness. Also they talk about the honest and emotional nature. This is why I chose them.
6. Relient K
Relient K releases songs to help their fans on some of the inner workings of the female species. The band also gives advice on the opposite sex through personal experience, stereotypes, and Biblical advice that is presented in the attitude found in their music.
7. TFK (Thousand Foot Krutch)
I would have to say that this band symbolizes the point in our lives that we realize we can't make it on our own strength.
8. Family Force 5
I like Family Force 5 because of how they include the all gene such as hip hop music, alternative rock, and punk rock with positive, party lyrics in their music.
9. KJ.52
I always think his name is so interesting because one time when I went to go see him in concert he told us what his stage name meant. The "KJ" part of his name refers to his old rap alias, "King J. Mac.” "52" (which is pronounced "five two", not fifty two) is a reference to the Biblical story of Jesus feeding the multitude with five loaves and two fish. He also raps about the difficulties in life.
10. Stellar Kart
I like this band because they have a positive outlook on life and you can definitely tell in their songs.
11. Lifehouse
I just like Lifehouse because of their songs and they are known for many songs because of the movies such as Smallville and Time Traveler’s Wife that they are in.
12. Switchfoot
One thing that I like about Switchfoot is that they got involved in the musical movement to spread awareness. According to Jon Foreman, the name "Switchfoot" is a surfing term. "We all love to surf and have been surfing all our lives so to us, the name made sense. To switch your feet means to take a new stance facing the opposite direction. It's about change and movement, a different way of approaching life and music.”
13. Kutless
Kutless chose their name because of a specific Bible verse in Romans 6:23. “Because of this, the band says, "He took our cuts for us... leaving us 'Kutless'. In their songs they talk about how God can help us in our times of struggle even though it’s up to our neck.
14. The Afters
This band talks about how you should always keep on looking forward and never going back to ok and just keep you head high up when times of trouble come that’s why I like them.
15. Flyleaf
What I think is so cool is their faith influences their music but that doesn’t stop them from being ashamed of that.

Paige's Top 12 Country Artists

Top 12
1.Johnny cash- The man in black was the one who influenced rebellious class and style into the country seen. His presence in our ring of fire will be remembered from the day he took the stage till the day he took to the skies.

2. Alabama- Alabama is a timeless group that set the way for many other country groups. Their hits will never be forgotten, and Alabama will never be thought of without the thought of just how sweet it is. They were down home country boys singing the truth.

3. Brooks & Dunn- Brooks & Dunn have been through it all down those red dirt roads and honky tonks. They are two fine men that have made an influence on people in a way no one has thought possible. Their country roots come out in all of their songs with soul and passion.

4. Garth Brooks- Garth brooks defiantly doesn’t go down when the sun comes up. He has been a huge hit throughout his entire career, and when he came back he was stronger than ever with new music. He is a partyin’, smooth talkin’ cowboy that lives outside the fire.

5. Hank Williams Sr.-Even though I don’t know much about Hank Williams I know he was a great country artist and a very popular and great man. If he has so much talk about him, he must be something special.

6. Reba McEntire- Reba McEntire has wit and elegance in one red headed, country package. She has set a standard that is hard to beat and her generosity and giant voice makes her the great woman she is today.

7. Carrie Underwood- Carrie has made her way fast and furiously through her country carnival ride to the top. All of her videos have been #1 at some point in time, most for even more than six weeks straight. She is a very people and animal loving woman. All her heart goes into everything she does.

8. Toby Keith- Toby is the man that lives and breathes the American spirit. He supports his country in every aspect of his life. He’s a country boy from the football field, oil fields, to the fronts lines, and the stage. His music is what we stand for.

9. Gary Allan- Gary Allan, may have not been thought of as a front runner in a top 12. list, but his experiences and passion bring him into the race. He sings about the problems of a man from the devils candy to being a man and how she was the one. He has learned to cope with tragedy and even though he has taken a turn in his lyrics, he finds ways to keep things sane.

10. Patsy Cline- Everyone goes crazy for Patsy Cline with her angelic presence and powering voice, even at midnight she lays the way for country music. She made herself more than a coal miner’s daughter.

11. Rascal Flatts- Rascal Flatts are a bunch of little boys at heart skipping down a road in Mayberry. They bring to life the good and the bad sides of life in though their music. They are so realistic yet able to have as much as they’ve ever had on a summer night.

12.Shania Twain- Shania Twain paved the way for a new style of country woman. She wasn’t afraid to be risqué, and at times she added a little pop culture into her early music. She was a symbol of perfection to many eyes, and even though her rein has been put on hold for a few years, her music is very well known to many social groups.

Anne Top 12 Music

12. The Beatles and The Rolling Stones

I'm not too sure myself, but I do know these guys hit it big through rock. I've always associated the Beatles and the Rolling Stones together, so it was only fitting that they share a place on the list.

11. Pellucid

Mr. Lippstrew. Homegrown and all Fleming. He might not have hit it yet, but I would take him over numerous bands because I know the story behind his music.

10. Owl City

Yes, they are realitively new, but these guys hit it big and real fast. Their hits "Fireflies" and "Vanilla Twilight" flew to the top of the charts in record timing. Maybe they aren't the best, but their progress from nothing to the top is worth number 10.


I mean come on they're from sweden (or something like that) and America loves them. There's even an entire movie (Mama Mia!) based on their work. Impressive.

8. Santana

Maybe the best guitar player of all time. He works with the best voice match-ups in the business and rocks it.

7. Weezer

Introducing a new style of music. They don't sing about typical love and breaking up, they sing about the craziest stuff. They put it all out there and don't care.

6. Heart

Rocking the 80s, they actually had the voices. What a range! Those two girls could nail high and low. They had the pipes unlike most of today's artists to back up their music.

5. Goo Goo Dolls

Maybe the best sound. As a whole, their music type is my personal favorite. I know if I was actually stuck on an island (Mr. Conn) I'd want as many albums as I could get my hands on.

4. Garth Brooks

Ultimate country star. Who hasn't heard of Garth Brooks, who hasn't heard a Garth Brooks song. The father of all country in my opinion.

3. Eminem

An oxymoron within himself. (No racial prejudice intended) He's a "white" guy owning the business set by a different culture. How many people are influenced by Eminem? You've got to admit he really hits home with a lot of the rap industry.

2. Rise Against

If you've ever looked up a Rise Against song's lyrics you would understand. These people throw more political views in one song than the entire white house can support in one year. They aren't afraid to speak their ideas and they do it all with a great sound.

and here it is...number 1

1. Bon Jovi
They have outlived time! Their first big hit was back in the early 80s and these guys are still selling out shows left and right. There is no defying the impact "Runaway" (their first single) had on listeners, yet they still manage to throw out a new album almost every year. Take a listen to a song, take a look at their know Bon Jovi is the number 1 band of our time.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Burger King for President!

and Burger King for White House..

News in that future:

...McDonald's can't really complain that Burger King stole their Egg McMuffin since McDonald's stole the Blizzard from Dairy Queen. ...

Junior High SSI Question

What factors contributed to the Treaty of Paris? Of these factors, which one do believe was most essential? Why? (You can earn up to 5 points with each response)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ally (Hotel Rwanda)

Hotel Rwanda
The film, Hotel Rwanda is a movie like Schindler's List but it is about the life of Hutu and Tutsi people. As the tensions between the Hutu and Tutsi peoples lead to a war, in a country where corruption and bribes are routine. The manager of the hotel is Hutu but his wife, Tatiana, is Tutsi. As the situation in the country worsens Paul and his family observe neighbors being killed. Paul finds favor with the people and bribes them with money and alcohol to keep his family safe. When a Rwanda Army officer threatens Paul and some of his neighbors Paul negotiates their safety and brings them to the hotel. More refugees come to the hotel from the United Nations camps, the Red Cross, and orphanages. Paul decides to distract the Hutu soldiers to care for all the refugees. He also has to be a source of strength for his family and also maintain the hotel as the situations become very violent. Soon the UN forces are unable to take action or intervene in the genocide. The foreign nationals are evacuated but the Rwandans are left behind. When the UN forces soon try to evacuate a group of refugees including Paul’s family they end up getting ambushed and must turn back. Paul speaks to the Rwanda Army General and when the bribes no longer work he blackmails him with threats of being tried as a war criminal. The family and the hotel refugees finally leave the hotel in a UN convoy and they travel to reach safety behind the Tutsi rebel lines. This is an idea of what happened during the movie. One thing that always will stick in my mind is when the Paul and another guy go and get supplies and on their way back they are running over dead bodies that are piled on the roads. This movie was an eye opener for me because everyone looks at what happened in the holocaust but then when it comes to talking about poor countries Africa gets all the attention. So I guess we as a country each get attention somehow. This is a great movie!

Ally (Relient K)

Relient K is an American Christian rock band formed in 1998 Canton, Ohio by Matt Thiessen, Brian Pittman, and Matt Hoopes. The band is named after guitarist Hoopes’ automobile, a Plymouth Reliant Kcar with the spelling intentionally altered to avoid trademark infringement over the Reliant name. Since the band’s formation, Relient K has released six studio albums, seven EPs, two Christmas albums, and one collection of rarities. The band has received numerous awards including a Grammy Award nomination in 2003 for Best Rock Gospel Album and two Dove Awards. Some history on All Work and No Play (1998–2000). After Relient K was founded by Matt Thiessen, Matt Hoopes and Brian Pittman in 1998, Todd Frascone joined for a short time in 1998 as a drummer. However, Frascone left the band after recording the demo All Work and No Play. The demo was recorded by Mark Lee Townsend, the former live guitar player for dc Talk. Townsend had met the band members because his daughter, Danielle, was friends with the band. Danielle eventually married guitarist Matt Hoopes.Current members Matt Thiessen – lead vocals, guitar, piano (1998— ) Matt Hoopes – guitar, backing vocals (1998— ) John Warne – bass, backing vocals (2004— ) Jon Schneck – guitar, banjo, bells, backing vocals (2005— ) Ethan Luck – drums, backing vocals (2008— ). Former members Todd Frascone drums (1998) Stephen Cushman – drums, backing vocals (1998-2000) Jared Byers – drums (2000) Brent Schoneman – drums (2000) Brian Pittman – bass (1998-2004) Dave Douglas – drums, backing vocals (2000-2007).


Rwanda Hotel. This movie had a storng impression on me. The whole movie was like a nightmare. It is different from horror movies , cose all time along i realize it is true it happend. It drewed me in. I think it takes more than courage to survive anything like that and not to loose mind. Decisions that Paul had to take were not easy. Safety and rescue of his family and future and rescue of country and tutsi and hutus. That man never gave up he did everything to save people. The little country and two tribbes that live thre the same nation, the same history, but why this blood war began? the conflict of 20th century began when Hutu president of Rwanda, Juvénal Habyarimana was killed. Who killed him ? On the radio it was said that Tutsi did it. Genocide started. Paul Rusesabagina manager of hotel managed to save some people.

Conn's Top 12 in Music

Top Twelve 1.Motzart, 2.Woodie Gutherie, 3.Lead Belly, 4.Bob Dylan, 5.Odetta, 6.John Lennon, 7.Miles Davis, 8.Willie Nelson, 9.Pete Seger, 10.Billie Holiday, 11.Paul Simon, & Kurt Cobain.

April 6th- April 9th

Weekly Points for April 6th -March 9th
Directions: Answer 35 points worth of questions, and consider the rubric below.
1. Locate a rare primary source. I would like to begin to create a museum of primary sources. This could be for a history day project, the veteran’s assembly, and your favorite topic in history. I will negotiate the price, in terms of points, for each primary source. Also, be sure to document where you found it, and the steps you took to obtain it. Get all Indian Jones style on this one.
2. Read a book about your history day topic, a cite your book with annotation in Turban Humanities.(10-40 points)
3. Work on your History Day Project. (5-40 points; check with Mr. Conn) Go to for more details.
3. Create an original website based on economics, politics, culture, or innovation. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. (10-40 points)
4. Update an original website that you have already created. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. This especially will work when you comment on someone else’s post on the blog. (3 points per post)
5. Read an article about any social studies topic. Write a summarization of the article as well as your own thoughts in 100-150 words. (10 points)
6. Rank the top 12 all-time musicians, and briefly explain your rational. Post you list on the blog. (10 points)
7. Create a piece of art based on a moment or person in history (10-30 points)
8. Go on a world history Socratic journey using a Thinking Triangle. You should find new learning to evidence in your triangle. (5 points)
10. Write thank-you letters for Mock Trial and History Day. Check with Mr. Conn for more information. (10 points) –Weld County Bar or Larry Unrein,
11. Write a newspaper column of 250-500 words based a social studies topic. This can be an editorial (subjective) or more reporting on an event (objective). Post your column on the blog. Be ready for disagreements if you chose an editorial. (20-40 points)
12. Create a political cartoon based a social studies topic. This can be an editorial (subjective) or more reporting on an event (objective). Post your cartoon on the blog. Be ready for disagreements if you chose an editorial. (20-40 points)

Rubric100% + (Advanced) Student demonstrated a thoughtful and personal quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear advanced, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.92-99% (Proficient) Student demonstrated a sufficient and relevant quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear proficient, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.64-91%(Partly Proficient) Student demonstrated a minimal and superficial quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear partly proficient, as evidenced by your use of words, sources, and depth of research.1-63% Points (Incomplete) You have remnants of knew knowledge but did research provide the research necessary, effort, and thought.

Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29th-March 31st Points

Weekly Points for March 29th-March 31st

Directions: Answer 35 points worth of questions, and consider the rubric below.

1. Locate a rare primary source. I would like to begin to create a museum of primary sources. This could be for a history day project, the veteran’s assembly, and your favorite topic in history. I will negotiate the price, in terms of points, for each primary source. Also, be sure to document where you found it, and the steps you took to obtain it. Get all Indian Jones style on this one.
2. Read a book about your history day topic, a cite your book with annotation in Turban Humanities.(10-40 points)
3. Work on your History Day Project. (5-40 points; check with Mr. Conn) Go to for more details.
3. Create an original website based on economics, politics, culture, or innovation. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. (10-40 points)
4. Update an original website that you have already created. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. This especially will work when you comment on someone else’s post on the blog. (3 points per post)
5. Read an article about any social studies topic. Write a summarization of the article as well as your own thoughts in 100-150 words. (10 points)
6. Rank the top ten U.S. presidents, and briefly explain your rational. Remember to include events before you were born. In fact, you should include at least one event before your grandparents were born. Post you list on the blog. (10 points)
7. Create a piece of art based on a moment or person in history (10-30 points)
8. Go on a world history Socratic journey using a Thinking Triangle. You should find new learning to evidence in your triangle. (5 points)
9. Watch 1776 or Hotel Rwanda. Write a 100-200 word reaction to the film (30 points)
10. Write thank-you letters for Mock Trial and History Day. Check with Mr. Conn for more information. (10 points)
11. Write a newspaper column of 250-500 words based a social studies topic. This can be an editorial (subjective) or more reporting on an event (objective). Post your column on the blog. Be ready for disagreements if you chose an editorial.
Rubric100% + (Advanced) Student demonstrated a thoughtful and personal quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear advanced, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.92-99% (Proficient) Student demonstrated a sufficient and relevant quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear proficient, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.64-91%(Partly Proficient) Student demonstrated a minimal and superficial quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear partly proficient, as evidenced by your use of words, sources, and depth of research.1-63% Points (Incomplete) You have remnants of knew knowledge but did research provide the research necessary, effort, and thought.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Nathan's Rant

Here is my latest political rant.........

It’s getting to be that time of year again. No, not a time for college basketball, Easter bunnies, and every student’s longing for spring break. This is a time of the year for the 2012 political campaigns to start taking form. The democrats are currently sitting with the seat of power, with President Obama running the nation. The Republican Party is angry the current Health Care bill has passed, and are bound and determined to take back the presidential seat which they have rightfully owned for 8 out of the past 10 years. There are many potential tickets that the republicans could offer, but one of the most eccentric, slightly dangerous, and radically republican combinations is a Sarah Palin/Liz Cheney ticket. These two ladies are extremely conservative, including pushing for anti-abortion laws, not supporting the current health care bill, and demanding that the lawyers who are obeying the law and defending prisoners have their names released to the public. These two ladies could have a strong candidacy in that they would appeal to the majority of the women voters, the Republican Party supports both, and Sarah Palin is extremely popular among many voters, including democratic. These two women also have their downsides including comparing themselves to bulldogs, the dislike from the opposing Democratic Party, and the unlikely odds that an all female ballot would win in this current day and age. Contrary to what many people might believe, this potential ticket would be extremely harmful to women’s rights. Sarah Palin herself has strongly supported bills that would push our nation back into a less progressive state of mind. So in the shadows of the republican think tank, college basketball, Easter bunnies, and dreams of a sunny spring break are being pushed aside, and campaign slogans are being created. The newest: Sarah Palin says “I pledge allegiance to the United States of Alaska….. I mean America!”

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

movie top

Butterfly effect (2004) The greatest movie all of the time. It is not my favourite though.
Rainmann (1998) this drama makes me think about relationship and the way people may see the world.
Zita and Gita one of the most famous movies of India

Titanic(1997) one of the mast selling movies.

Ivan Vasilevich changes occupation. is the best comedy i ever seen.

Avatar(2010) probably will be the most expensive movie for a long time.

Troy and 300 spartans, Alexandr Nevsky, Chingis Khan are one of the best historical movies.

Friday, March 19, 2010

frank Smith Jr. was born on September 17, 1942 in newnan, georgia. He is Civil Rights activist. During his senior year he left Morehouse Collage in Atlanta to play his role in Civil Rights movement. Voting for African-American was one of his priorities. From 1962 till 1968 he worked with Student Non-Violent Coordinating Commitee. he and other activists organized and registered African-Americans voters in Alabama and Mississippi. Mr. smith said:"We knew these places had the worst situations that why we went there to start."people were vanishing in the river, who did not want to give up the right to vote. He was a a leader in protests

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Weekly Points for March 19-26

Weekly Points for March 19-26
Directions: Answer 55 points worth of questions, and consider the rubric below.
1. Locate a rare primary source. I would like to begin to create a museum of primary sources. This could be for a history day project, the veteran’s assembly, and your favorite topic in history. I will negotiate the price, in terms of points, for each primary source. Also, be sure to document where you found it, and the steps you took to obtain it. Get all Indiana Jones style on this one.
2. Read a book about your history day topic, a cite your book with annotation in Turban Humanities.(10-40 points)
3. Work on your History Day Project. (5-40 points; check with Mr. Conn) Go to for more details.
3. Create an original website based on economics, politics, culture, or innovation. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. (10-40 points)
4. Update an original website that you have already created. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. (3 points per post)
5. Read an article about any social studies topic. Write a summarization of the article as well as your own thoughts in 100-150 words. (10 points)
6. Rank the top ten moments in sports history 1910-2010, and briefly explain your rational. Remember to include events before you were born. In fact, you should include at least one event before your grandparents were born. Post you list on the blog. (10 points)
7. Plan a trip to another country. You, hypothetically, have $2,000 for travel, lodging, food, and entertainment. Account for each dollar spent and what you will do each day on your trip. Site at least two sources (20 points)
8. Go on a world history Socratic journey using a Thinking Triangle. You should find new learning to evidence in your triangle. (5 points)
9. Google Proposal- Check with Mr. Conn and Nathan for details. (10 points)
10. Write thank-you letters for Mock Trial and History Day. Check with Mr. Conn for more information. (10 points)
100% + (Advanced) Student demonstrated a thoughtful and personal quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear advanced, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.
92-99% (Proficient) Student demonstrated a sufficient and relevant quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear proficient, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.
64-91%(Partly Proficient) Student demonstrated a minimal and superficial quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear partly proficient, as evidenced by your use of words, sources, and depth of research.
1-63% Points (Incomplete) You have remnants of knew knowledge but did research provide the research necessary, effort, and thought.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Washington DC

vietnam War memorial.

linkoln`s memorial

In Hart.

I think statue of Victory