Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Junior High SSI Question

What factors contributed to the Treaty of Paris? Of these factors, which one do believe was most essential? Why? (You can earn up to 5 points with each response)


  1. Which Treaty of Paris are you talking about?

  2. In Aprill 1775 American colinists answered King George III's to grant them political and economic reform with armed revoulution. On July Fourth the second continential congress adapted the the Declaration of Independence. And in 1781 British genral Charles Lord Cornwalis surrendered to American and French forces at Yorktown, Virgina.In September 1782, Benjamin Franklin, along with John Adams and John Jay, began official peace talks with the British.

  3. Okay. So, what led up to this peace? (Hint, think about Franklin, Adams, etc)
