Friday, March 26, 2010

Nathan's Rant

Here is my latest political rant.........

It’s getting to be that time of year again. No, not a time for college basketball, Easter bunnies, and every student’s longing for spring break. This is a time of the year for the 2012 political campaigns to start taking form. The democrats are currently sitting with the seat of power, with President Obama running the nation. The Republican Party is angry the current Health Care bill has passed, and are bound and determined to take back the presidential seat which they have rightfully owned for 8 out of the past 10 years. There are many potential tickets that the republicans could offer, but one of the most eccentric, slightly dangerous, and radically republican combinations is a Sarah Palin/Liz Cheney ticket. These two ladies are extremely conservative, including pushing for anti-abortion laws, not supporting the current health care bill, and demanding that the lawyers who are obeying the law and defending prisoners have their names released to the public. These two ladies could have a strong candidacy in that they would appeal to the majority of the women voters, the Republican Party supports both, and Sarah Palin is extremely popular among many voters, including democratic. These two women also have their downsides including comparing themselves to bulldogs, the dislike from the opposing Democratic Party, and the unlikely odds that an all female ballot would win in this current day and age. Contrary to what many people might believe, this potential ticket would be extremely harmful to women’s rights. Sarah Palin herself has strongly supported bills that would push our nation back into a less progressive state of mind. So in the shadows of the republican think tank, college basketball, Easter bunnies, and dreams of a sunny spring break are being pushed aside, and campaign slogans are being created. The newest: Sarah Palin says “I pledge allegiance to the United States of Alaska….. I mean America!”

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