Personally, I think that religion has to do with one single person's state of mind. Whatever suits the way that you would like to live is how religion is formed and followed. Although one could say: "the bible say's so, so it must be true". So...ideally I could make up a time in history that just so happens to "fit in", and say that my God says so. Religion is a tool used to keep people in line, which isn't historically or factually correct, for ANY religion. None of these people live, nor can we prove that these people have lived. For one who believes in a specific God, why does it matter? I personally and passionately believe that all religions are correct, maybe all of these Gods and religions are correct. If we could somehow take the historical sequences and chronological orders of all religions and history that we KNOW is true and piece it together in a fashion that seems to make chronological, mathematical, scientific, and religious sense, we could then see which one of these followings/organizations/businesses is lying about their big piece in history. Who'sto say that there isn't a main god (for all Monotheists), who has something I'm going to call sub-gods (mathematics come in again), these would be the gods of all polytheistic religions. Therefore they all fit in historically as well. But, I think that we need to look at Gods as innovative characters that are not spirits or people who live up above the sky, for we all know that the moon, and possibly a few other galaxies exist beyond that. So rather than some very powerful spirits living in the sky using metaphors and personifications to tell us what and what not to do, we should be open minded about viewing these people as HUMANS. By saying God created the Earth and everyone on it, you are saying that this man came from where? Who is God's father/mother?!? Now, not to say I wasn't raised to be a Christian but...I think that we aren't being rational about this. I was once told that I was going to hell because I questioned the ideals of God and Christianity. However, by this religion's rules/books, isn't God supposed to be the only person to judge who goes to hell/heaven. Wait...doesn't the religion of Christianity also state that God forgives EVERYONE? Thus meaning, hell cannot exist with no one residing in this ungodly and hateful place?
Thanks for thought Jeff. You have some good questions and you raise some interesting points. As a teacher, I cannot comment on the validity of your statements, but I like how much thought you have given to this subject.