Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Banana Pancakes (Ally)

ok so here is my crazy faith in a few sentences. I bileve that the point of being religious is to lead by example, not through telling each other what we should bileve in or how others should act. Each person is an individual and has the right to be just that, an individual. In my opinion i bileve that is exactly what Jesus and God wants us to do.

On another point I also dont thin that just one religion or faith is perfect. All of them have flaws and errors, and all of them have that human influence in them. When we think about it the Bible and the Qur'an are both just kinda like the game telephone where one person starts a message and that message is passed from person to person. Now, granted the Bible and the Qur'an (and many other religious texts) arent as crazily blown out of proportion as the telephone game, but still they have all been translated thousands of times over thousands of years through many different opinions, enviroments, and languages. This most certianly has to mean that the Bible or the Qur'an or any other relgious text has to be flawed.

I am currently reading the Qur'an and I have found that many of the assumptions made about the muslim religion is absoutly wrong! The radical muslims that we see bombing people and waging holy wars are the extremists who read things way to deeply, just like there are extremists in all religions Christianity included!

I also think faith and relgion is the perfect tool for people who dont understand certian events, such as death and life and other things we cant control or science cant explain. That is why religion was created. to explain things that we cant understand or fathom.

Now all that said i would like to pose one question asked to me by an elderly man who goes to my church. "What are we suppoesd to bileve? The sciences that we know are true and have been proven to us, or the Religion that so many others want us to bileve. Do we leave one and forget the other? Or can we learn to accept both and use them both to understand our learning about life, death, and everything inbetween?"

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