Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Banana Pancakes (To All In the Suffering Debate)
I will say i have a lot to say about all this, but after think about this and reading the posts, there is no way i can say the things i think without offending people, so will will step out of this conversation untill another question is posted.
Banana Pancakes (Ally)
ok so here is my crazy faith in a few sentences. I bileve that the point of being religious is to lead by example, not through telling each other what we should bileve in or how others should act. Each person is an individual and has the right to be just that, an individual. In my opinion i bileve that is exactly what Jesus and God wants us to do.
On another point I also dont thin that just one religion or faith is perfect. All of them have flaws and errors, and all of them have that human influence in them. When we think about it the Bible and the Qur'an are both just kinda like the game telephone where one person starts a message and that message is passed from person to person. Now, granted the Bible and the Qur'an (and many other religious texts) arent as crazily blown out of proportion as the telephone game, but still they have all been translated thousands of times over thousands of years through many different opinions, enviroments, and languages. This most certianly has to mean that the Bible or the Qur'an or any other relgious text has to be flawed.
I am currently reading the Qur'an and I have found that many of the assumptions made about the muslim religion is absoutly wrong! The radical muslims that we see bombing people and waging holy wars are the extremists who read things way to deeply, just like there are extremists in all religions Christianity included!
I also think faith and relgion is the perfect tool for people who dont understand certian events, such as death and life and other things we cant control or science cant explain. That is why religion was created. to explain things that we cant understand or fathom.
Now all that said i would like to pose one question asked to me by an elderly man who goes to my church. "What are we suppoesd to bileve? The sciences that we know are true and have been proven to us, or the Religion that so many others want us to bileve. Do we leave one and forget the other? Or can we learn to accept both and use them both to understand our learning about life, death, and everything inbetween?"
On another point I also dont thin that just one religion or faith is perfect. All of them have flaws and errors, and all of them have that human influence in them. When we think about it the Bible and the Qur'an are both just kinda like the game telephone where one person starts a message and that message is passed from person to person. Now, granted the Bible and the Qur'an (and many other religious texts) arent as crazily blown out of proportion as the telephone game, but still they have all been translated thousands of times over thousands of years through many different opinions, enviroments, and languages. This most certianly has to mean that the Bible or the Qur'an or any other relgious text has to be flawed.
I am currently reading the Qur'an and I have found that many of the assumptions made about the muslim religion is absoutly wrong! The radical muslims that we see bombing people and waging holy wars are the extremists who read things way to deeply, just like there are extremists in all religions Christianity included!
I also think faith and relgion is the perfect tool for people who dont understand certian events, such as death and life and other things we cant control or science cant explain. That is why religion was created. to explain things that we cant understand or fathom.
Now all that said i would like to pose one question asked to me by an elderly man who goes to my church. "What are we suppoesd to bileve? The sciences that we know are true and have been proven to us, or the Religion that so many others want us to bileve. Do we leave one and forget the other? Or can we learn to accept both and use them both to understand our learning about life, death, and everything inbetween?"
Quinn the Eskimo (Paige/Anne)
Word. Perhaps we should define suffering. My definition is as follows: When an individual or a people live in a state of worry and/or fear.
To me, Senator lives in a state of both worry and fear. However, I do believe there are verying degrees of this, and your examples are also correct. If a person worries about simply living every day, they might suffer more than a person to worries about simply paying the bills, but they both suffer to some extent. That's just my thoughts; I would love to hear yours.
To me, Senator lives in a state of both worry and fear. However, I do believe there are verying degrees of this, and your examples are also correct. If a person worries about simply living every day, they might suffer more than a person to worries about simply paying the bills, but they both suffer to some extent. That's just my thoughts; I would love to hear yours.
Ally (Formerly Known as Senator)
I think that there are a lot of things that we can't do that we would like to do. I agree i don't think it is probably as bad as other countries right now, but I think there should be a way for split families to get more help when one or the other parent is supporting. It's not fair for a family if his dad/mom doesn't pick up on end of the bargain! Why should other kids have to suffer? The government should do something about situations like this. my heart goes out to all the kids like this... im not saying this just because i am one.
Anne (Quinn, Senator, Banana Pancakes)
I think suffering has purely to do with your perception on things. Senator may be suffering because he percieves his financial status to be limiting to his life while Banana Pancake's third world children with no shelter and no water may not be suffering at all. Suffering isn't linked to material matters, suffering has purely to do with emotions. Living on less than a dollar a day will not limit you if you do not let it, maybe those children are completely happy with the life they have...maybe they like it that way. We are in no place to judge them to say they are suffering unless they tell us they are...just like we are no place to judge Senator to say that he is not suffering unless he tells us he isn't.
Formerly known as Anne
Formerly known as Anne
Quinn the Eskimo (Ally/Faith)
I am down. As a teacher, I can't describe my own exact beliefs, but I can say that faith is a powerful idea. It is a belief in the unknown. It is the ability to imagine something more than what we see. Faith is possibly the only function that seperates us from animals. Faith has a dark side, extremism. But, faith allows us to do more than we would without it.
Paige(reply to formerly known as senator post)
I think that Jeff might be suffering in terms of our society. I think that in ways there are a lot of things that he can't do that he would like to do. I don't think it is probably as bad as other countries right now, but I think there should be a way for split families to get more help when one or the other parent is supporting. It's not fair for his family if his dad doesn't pick up on his end of the bargain! Why should he have to suffer? The government should do something about situations like this!
Ally (Faith)
I want to know your ideas on faith... it doesnt have to deal with christianity it can be on anything....
formerly known as Ally
formerly known as Ally
Ally (Jerk)
Please state your name that way we know who you are and so that were not so confused thanks...
formerly known as Ally
formerly known as Ally
Quinn the Eskimo (Banana and the Formely Senator)
I think you're both right.
Senator, I'm impressed with who you are and what you have overcome in life. I do believe you suffer.
Banana, I do think suffering is relative. Possibly, Senator suffers less than people living in a thrid world country, but he does live in a state of unhappiness, to some extent. In fact, I would argue that the wealthy suffer to some extent. For example, when Linda and I first got married we had nothing, literally. We lived in my parents' basement and then one of the smallest houses I've ever seen. We couldn't afford cable; we couldn't afford to go to the movies on most months. I worked on the weekends (two sixteen hour days) and worked for free, as a student teacher, through out the week. Yet, those were some of our happiest days. All we had was each other.
Now, we have so much more wealth. We have two cars, a big house, and a basement full of entertainment. However, in a sense, we suffer more. We see each other less, because we have to manage our wealth. Even though we make more, it feel we have more to worry about. I think happiness is more than money. Senator's suffering might have less to do with his wealth and more to do with his life experiences, which could be partly based on wealth. Perhaps, Senator holds the cards to his happiness, in some respect, both he also has been delt a rough hand.
Senator, I'm impressed with who you are and what you have overcome in life. I do believe you suffer.
Banana, I do think suffering is relative. Possibly, Senator suffers less than people living in a thrid world country, but he does live in a state of unhappiness, to some extent. In fact, I would argue that the wealthy suffer to some extent. For example, when Linda and I first got married we had nothing, literally. We lived in my parents' basement and then one of the smallest houses I've ever seen. We couldn't afford cable; we couldn't afford to go to the movies on most months. I worked on the weekends (two sixteen hour days) and worked for free, as a student teacher, through out the week. Yet, those were some of our happiest days. All we had was each other.
Now, we have so much more wealth. We have two cars, a big house, and a basement full of entertainment. However, in a sense, we suffer more. We see each other less, because we have to manage our wealth. Even though we make more, it feel we have more to worry about. I think happiness is more than money. Senator's suffering might have less to do with his wealth and more to do with his life experiences, which could be partly based on wealth. Perhaps, Senator holds the cards to his happiness, in some respect, both he also has been delt a rough hand.
Paige (Quinn-India)
The India video was pretty entertaining, truthful. I understand how the US could succumb to other countries and we would become their *bitch* (it's just an expression for emphasis!) It's funny to think that all these years we have pretty much been using people and it could all turn on us! I wonder how long it would take for something like this to occur. I think America should take some responsibility for our own problems, and do some real work!
formerly know as
formerly know as
Anne (Quinn/India)
I think that this is a very realistic estimate of our future with India. Considering our current economic status, I wouldn't be surprised if another powerhouse bought out our entire country! We are going no where but down our own spiraling path. And even though the mockery of America in terms of tech support and cab drivers was put in purely for comedial purposes, I think we really would get mocked mainly because we think without acting now. America never acts by the Golden Rule and someday we are all going to regret it.
formerly known as
formerly known as
Banana Pancakes (Quinn)
I watched the video and I acctually think it represents America very well. We are stuck up and want the cheapest labor possible. We want things done and want to take credit for them, but we wont do any of the work. Its sad. Wonderful video and some excellent humor.
Banana Pancakes (Senator)
I will not disagree with you. Your life is hard right now, but you arent suffering. Its those who cannot afford to live in a house or have clean water that are suffering. Life will seem really hard at times, eventhough I cannot relate to your personal experinces, I still know life will be tough. This is one of those things where you have to make the best of it that you possibly can. One quote I have heard quite often is "Success breeds success" and this from my experinces has proven to be quite true. So yes, life is tough and it feels like you dont have much going for you or your family, but truthfully as statstics go you are in one of the richest calsses in this world. I hate to douse your fire, but you arent living on a dollar a day, or trying to decide if you family or you should eat on a paticular day, and arent living with the constant threat of war or violence. That is suffering.
motor man (brick bat)

but the only problem with getting that Advanced is that some of the systems mite have a malfunctions thin that car (or vehicle ) will have to be recalled. there have already be that problem today with Toyota that had a systems malfunction Ware the throttle is stuck wide open and u have to mash the brakes betel down and put it in neutral and turn the car off that one problem that could happen if the car where to have a system malfunction and if we go much farther then that it is only bound to get better or worses
To be literate in the 21 century means that you will need to be able to read and write what you are thinking, and to be able to write it in your own words. In the 21 century you will need to have good computer skills because in the future computers will be used in every situation and for everything.
Kalogas (Quinn the Eskumo)
Yes, Because literacy in the 20Th century deals with all kind of communications that we can now think, and what we can't even imagine.
Kalogas (Brick Bat)
I think you are absolutely right. Because we don't know whats going to happen in the future.We only know what was and what is. Literacy may be much more in the future then what it is now.
Goober (brick Bat)
I agree that it is changing but people shouldn't be using short hand ,because they are using it in school and the teacher will be confused or in an email to a parent they don't know what you are talking about. You are absolutely right that the Computers are going to compete with books.
Quinn the Eskimo (Is India passing the US?)
Click on this link and then go to the clip titled "Deep Space Naan" . You will see a comical, yet, possibly true state of our future relationships with India. Let me know your thoughts.
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
To be literate in the 21st century means that you need to know how to read and write, but computers could eventually wipe out books. I'm sure computers have copys of about every book made.
Quinn the Eskimo (Brick Bat)
I agree with your posts. I think that creativity is far more than art. So, how do we learn creativity outside of art?
Quinn the Eskimo (New Question/ jh especially)
Why do you think American colonists would want to break away from the most powerful nation in the world?
brick bat (goober)
I think the language we use is changing and as we progress, it will continue to change. As we communicate more and more, we will find that using electronic short hand will be very beneficial. We need to make sure that when we interect with others, we only use that which they know and accept.
brick bat(kalogas)
I think that literacy in the 21st century will include more than that. I believe it will deal with every kind of communication that we can now think of and some that we can't even imagine yet.
Quinn the Eskimo (Social Studies Inquiry Weekly Assignment)
High Social Studies Inquiry September 29h – October 1st
Directions: Answer 45 points worth of questions, and consider the rubric below.
1. Begin to locate two primary sources about your history day topic and cite and annotate your sources. (10 points) *This question may be repeated for every two additional primary sources.
2. Create an original website based on economics, politics, culture, or innovation. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. (10-40 points)
3. Update an original website that you have already created. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. (3 points per post)
4. Read an article related to social studies from the library selection. Summarize the article in one to two paragraphs. (10 points)
5. Go on a world history Socratic journey using a Thinking Triangle. You should find new learning to evidence in your triangle. (5 points)
11-12 Points (Advanced) Student demonstrated a thoughtful and personal quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear advanced, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.
9-10 Points (Proficient) Student demonstrated a sufficient and relevant quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear proficient, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.
7-8 Points (Partly Proficient) Student demonstrated a minimal and superficial quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear partly proficient, as evidenced by your use of words, sources, and depth of research.
1-6 Points (Incomplete) You have remnants of knew knowledge but did research provide the research necessary, effort, and thought.
Directions: Answer 45 points worth of questions, and consider the rubric below.
1. Begin to locate two primary sources about your history day topic and cite and annotate your sources. (10 points) *This question may be repeated for every two additional primary sources.
2. Create an original website based on economics, politics, culture, or innovation. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. (10-40 points)
3. Update an original website that you have already created. Check with Mr. Conn for more details. (3 points per post)
4. Read an article related to social studies from the library selection. Summarize the article in one to two paragraphs. (10 points)
5. Go on a world history Socratic journey using a Thinking Triangle. You should find new learning to evidence in your triangle. (5 points)
11-12 Points (Advanced) Student demonstrated a thoughtful and personal quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear advanced, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.
9-10 Points (Proficient) Student demonstrated a sufficient and relevant quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear proficient, as evidenced by your use of complete sentences, sources, and depth of research.
7-8 Points (Partly Proficient) Student demonstrated a minimal and superficial quest for the given subject. Your words and finding appear partly proficient, as evidenced by your use of words, sources, and depth of research.
1-6 Points (Incomplete) You have remnants of knew knowledge but did research provide the research necessary, effort, and thought.
brick bat (iceman)
Does artistic expression always include passion or does it sometimes come from boredom?
brick bat (banana pancake)
Creativity is not just artistic. I believe that people like Steven Jobs and Bill Gates are both very artistic but I don't know if they could draw a straight line. I know that Quinn is extreamly artistic in his ability to educate but I don't know how much he can draw or sing. Artistic talent steps into many areas of our lives and we are probably all artistic in some area, it is just finding your area of artistic ability that can sometimes be difficult.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Formerly known as Senator
Okay, I don't know who posted last either Banana Pancakes or Quinn but I'm guessing it was the breakfast buffet due to the religious entrance. Either way, you stated clearly with no edge or hooks that people are not born to suffer and any man can defeat a state of suffering if he wishes. Wrong. Period. So everyone knows my family is economically low class, always have been, since I was born. Thus meaning I have less to work with, being an adolescent, what can I do? Some may say education is the way out, as I child I moved a lot therefore I was never very academically succesful. I've been through and will continue to go through a tought lifestyle, sure, I've shot myself in the foot here and there, but being under the age of 18...what can I do? It's up to my Mother or Father, correct (here's where all who disagree just leave)? I dont' live with my Father, therefore it's up to the state to get the money he "owes" for me. This leaves my mother, my mother works, and works, and works....and works, where does this get my family? Not far, my family makes $13-15,000 a year, pretty ugly numbers, right? For myself and my mother, and a sister who is off for her freshmen year at college to survive it's going to take a bit more than $14,000 a year to live a semi-civilized lifestyle, correct? Where does the extra money come in? What do I do while myself and my family suffers? Wait, it's up to me since anyone can make themselves not suffer if they feel like it, huh? Do I take up the role of an un-average High School student and drop all extra-cirriculars and sports to get a job and help the situation? No, my sister tried that Senior year and it got us no where. What's left? Isn't this where the state is supposed to support low class families? Wait.. my family doesn't meet those standards either.
I do apologize for rambling, but I believe that personal experiences can win any debate, there's my current status in life. Sooo...throw at me whatever you feel like throwing and I'll attempt to debate my side of the opinion.
I do apologize for rambling, but I believe that personal experiences can win any debate, there's my current status in life. Sooo...throw at me whatever you feel like throwing and I'll attempt to debate my side of the opinion.
Banana Pancakes (Quinn)
I do not think people are born to suffer. I think suffering is self induced and if anyone is really determined to make a difference or to not "suffer" then they wont suffer. Sure life will be tough, but it wont be suffering (If you would like to hear my more religious aspect on things talk to me later). The reason why i think creativity is born with and genetic is that some people are creative and some just arent. I know people that have a very hard time even deciding how to draw a certian picture, they have to have somebody else's inspiration.
Quinn the Eskimo (Paige)
I have a quote for you, "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving ... " -Albert Einstein
Quinn the Eskimo (Ally)
I agree 100%. In fact, it feels like I know how to walk less than the "babies" I need to teach how to walk. Perhaps, I should teach how to think not what to think.
Banana Pancakes(?) Bob the Tomato (?)
Hello newcomers. Oh by the way... that would be literacy not "litercery." Thanks,
with love
The Fab-5
with love
The Fab-5
Quinn the Eskimo (Bannana Pancakes)
I agree. As information is now on a sem-even playing field, no longer will it be a matter of finding information (at least in developed nations); instead, we it will be a question of application and ability to create something new. How do you teach creativity, because the ability to create might be the most needed skill of the future.
Will there ever be a point in time where all the information in the world will have been processed and all of it understood and there is no more new information to come by? What else will they discover, and will the world really end because of all of our technology. What if the world goes through another ice age or some sort of extreme weather change?! there is so much to question and wonder about I just want to spend my life trying to figure it all out, but it would be too hard!!!!!!!
Ally (Shift Happens)
The video that i watched (Shift Happens) makes me just want to open my eyes up even more. How can people teach other people stuff they dont even know yet?? Thats like having a baby trying to teach another child how to walk when both cant walk yet..... hmmm
Quinn the Eskimo (Shift Happens)
I posed this question earlier, but what does it mean to be literate in the 21st Century? After I watched the video, I felt hopeful and scared all at once. How can I prepare my students to compete on a global market where there are more gifted students, who would be willing to work for less, than people in the US? We must create I suppose, but how do I teach that?
Senator resigns (Senator)
This is my resignation from this blog due to overpopulation. Goodbye friends and others.
Banana Pancakes (Litercery) <-- see you spelled it wrong. -The Fab-5
Ok, First off Banana Pancakes is Nathan F. dont ask about the name. However my opinion on being literate in the 21st centrue is to not only be able to read and have a basic understanding of writing, but a person also has to be absoutly 100 percent computer literate. A person can now easily go online and buy an essay so they dont have to be able to read or write all that well. Another point is that we dont even really have to be able to spell. we can just use the word spell checker. If a person cant type or use a computer then they cant easily use this blog. This blog is the 21st century version of a classroom discussion. In the near furture books are going to all be in museums, we wont talk, but will communicate electronically, and there will be no need for schools at all because someone will simply download whatever information they need. Compters are the new books, blogs are the new classroom, and email is the brand new postal service.
Shift Happens
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Shift Happens
View more presentations from Jeff Brenman.
John Jacob Jingle Hiemer Schmidt
I agree with Harley: someone please finish this list of names for everyone.
John Jacob Jingle Hiemer Schmidt=Casey
Bob the Tomato=Casey
Ally=Alyx Johnson
Haney=Alex Haney
Paige=Amber M.
Brick Bat=Mr. Gorman
Motor Man=Andrew
John Jacob Jingle Hiemer Schmidt=Casey
Bob the Tomato=Casey
Ally=Alyx Johnson
Haney=Alex Haney
Paige=Amber M.
Brick Bat=Mr. Gorman
Motor Man=Andrew
Quinn the Eskimo (Brick Bat)
I totally agree. We might live in the most exciting times; we just might be too over stimulated to realize it.
I'm going to ask only one thing if everyone in the entire school is going to be on this blog. Please choose one name and stick with it. And please introduce yourselves because I'm entirely mixed up.
brick bat (motor man)
Vehicles will not be able to run on standard fuel in the near future. Our oil reserves are dwindling and alternative fuels will be needed. It is possible that we will use electromagnatism for propulsion and our vehicles will pilot themselves. We will only have to program where we want to go and they will take us their while we sleep or do other important things.
brick bat (literacy)
Literacy in the 21st century will contain any type of access to information that is available to us. It will include physical as well as electronic media. Pictures, sounds, written word, and probably all other sensory input will be used for the transformation of information. In the future, it may also include thought transfer that moves directly from one individual to another or to a whole group. Literacy in the 21st century will probably include information transfer that we haven't even thought about yet and won't until it is invented. We live in fascinating times.
motor man (andvacesments in engies)
Quinn the Eskimo (Goober)
I think you could be on to something. So, literacy in the 21st century is more than reading and writing. Then, what seperates your litercay level with the rest of the world? How can your ability to use technology lead to a step up in the global market?
Quinn the Eskimo (Iceman)
I agree with you in part; however, I think art could also be other things- for better or for worse. Is music art? Is theater art? Are band logos, like the Nike swoosh, art? If so, does emotion generate art alone? Could payment generate art? Can blind people, unaware of color, create art? You're cool though, man; I'm just throwing out ideas. What you wrote is beautiful; I just think you could expand it.
Quinn the Eskimo (Kalogas)
Do you think there is more to it than that? There are more adavnced or gifted students in China than the entire population of the United States. Is it simply enough to read or write anymore, when we have a global market to compete with? If the population of myspace users were a country, it would be the fifth largest country in the world. You will compete for jobs with people that are more qualified and will work for much less money from all over the world. Does literacy take on a whole new meaning when the world becomes super connected? I don't think your future employer needs to know that you can read a book and answer some basic questions. He/she wants to know if this book can help you communicate a new idea or create something. Keep digging deeper here.
Goober (literate)
Literate in the 21st century means the reading and writing is done in text books, internet, mostly anywhere in life. Even when you really don't want to do it you have to, even on your cell phone you are writing when you are texting. Literate is not only reading and writing it's also math and finding information. People these days use short hand Like "lol" (laugh out loud) are they are getting lazy and not using the English language correctly or using short hand because they don't want to spend time on their phone, myspace, facebook, or msn?
Quinn the Eskimo (Bob the Tomato)
I never really liked the Patriot Act. I feel that it is one of those war time policies based on fear rather than reason. I don't blame the people that wrote it, and I believe they just wanted to keep the country safe. However, I think Benjamin Franklin said it best, "'Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.' "
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
To be literate in the 21st century means that you need to know how to read and write, but computers could eventually wipe out books. I'm sure computers have copys of about every book made.
Quinn the Eskimo (WWI Harley)
Good question. The war was about treaties. Austria's arch-duke was killed by Germans, and many countires either agreed to support Austria or German before had. Basically, the U.S. was slow to act, but when our ability to trade with England was threatened we joined the war too. It reminds me of the Seven Year War on a more global scale. You have my back, and I have your back, so we both must go to war because of these agreements.
John Jacob Jingle Hiemer Schmidt (Harley WWI)
You'll have to be able to read and write on computers. Be able to read out of books and to take what you read and write it in your own words. Be able to write something on paper as long as it makes sense.
Quinn the Eskimo (Other students)
Welcome to our blog. It's fun to debate and talk about deep subjects. Feel free to ask questions or share your thoughts. However, if you throw something out, you had better back it up.
Harley (Quinn)
On the subject of Egypt. I can definitely see where you're coming from with the suggestion that Moses (from the Bible) was in fact Akhenaten. Akhenaten (for anyone else reading the blog) was the Egyptian pharaoh who converted the Egyptians from polytheism to monotheism. Akhenaten only worshipped the god Ra, the ancient Egyptian god of the Sun. Because he was pharaoh and did what he wanted he destroyed all temples that we're dedicated to Ra. After Akhenaten's death his body disappeared, his sarcophagus was destroyed, and most of his other burial tokens were also destroyed. They have managed to come up with most of the pieces of his stone sarcophagus and it has been reconstructed and is at the Cairo Museum. This is where the traditional structure of their monarchy disappears. Two pharaohs come up between Akhenaten and Tut. The first was Smenkhkare and the second was a female pharaoh named Neferneferuaten. Then Tut came along etc etc. I have question to pose to you or Ally. Who was the pharaoh in the Moses story?
Harley (Quinn)
Hey quick question. Everyone hears about WWII and what it was all about. But hey I just realized when I was replying to John that I'm not really entirely sure what WWI was about. Help me out?
Harley (John --I'm much too lazy and it's way too insanely late to be typing the entire name-- Schmidt)
It's 1:16 a.m. and I have to go to school tomorrow but luckily I've managed to stay up long enough to finish my stupid Scarlet Letter essay so while I'm suffering from insomnia I thought I might blog. I can definitely invision you as a war hero. Maybe a fighter pilot guy (excuse my ignorance I'm not really sure what they're called)? With the exception of the archeological digs in Egypt I totally agree pre-1950 was killer boring. The French Revolution would have been interesting but totally bloody and ridiculous. So if you'd go back to WWII why not WWI?
Friday, September 25, 2009
Bob the Tomato
Recently, FBI agents captured a man accused of planning to use "weapons of mass destruction." He was building back-pack bombs with materials he purchased from beauty parlors and beauty product factories. They found out about his plot and also found where he was living using phone taps. Do you think we should still have the Patriot Act in effect? This was an arguement featured on FOX news and i thought it was interesting because they said it was against the mans civil rights.
Quinn the Eskimo (Harley)
Why not go back to King Tut's lifetime. I've heard arguments that he was killed for believing in one god, and several people argue that he believed in many gods. I would like to know. I would also want to know if he was murdered, and, if so, why?
John Jacob Jingle Himer Schmidt
I would go back to 2008 and campaign harder for John McCain so Obama doesnt win the election. No, im just joking, im not really sure exactly where i would go.I might go back to World War 2 and help the allies defeat the Nazis and the Japanese and maybe earn a little fame along the way but there are not many really interesting places before 1960.
If I could go to any particular point in history I would go back to 1939. In 1939 Howard Carter discovered King Tut's tomb and all the treasures within. I like the discovery age in Egypt. I'd like to search through the Valley of The Kings and so forth.
Quinn the Eskimo (New question)
I have a new question for ya'all. If you could go back to a moment in history, where would you go and why? I would chose to march on Washington with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I believe in King's non-violence and social agenda. Also, I would get to see Bob Dylan sing and then watch the greatest speech every given, "I have a Dream".
Here is my final opinion on art, art is different for everyone. I don't think there should be a finally definition for art because not everyone sees it the same. You can't tell someone what art is by your opinion because art is and expression of the mind, so whatever comes to it, your gonna express!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Ally (art)
I think that art is anything you want it to be. If there is no meaning in art then what is it...??
Quinn the Eskimo (art)
Okay, so no modern art. But, has art itself lost its purpose. I mean, wasn't art a way for the poor and uneducated to affect their local communities about an injustice? Now, local art cannot compete with national or global art. Someone may like a particular song because of a beat, not the deeper message of suffering. Comerical art has far more resorces than does authentic artist. Perhaps, we have too much wealth and technology to describe the true human experience. Or, perhaps, I've lost my taste for our current experience, for the most part. Think about, to many people art means brand names and pop cutlure, not an expression that makes me reconsider all things I know to be true.
I think that Graffiti takes a lot of artistic work. Such as putting light, shadow, and coloring into each letter. I think that people who do Graffiti have a lot of creative thought put into the letters. I know its wrong when people Graffiti buildings and other things. Sometimes the world just categorized Graffiti as its bad because some people dont look at it as art they just see it on buildings, train cars, signs, and other things.
I totally agree Harley, I think that art is something that is completely hand made for the most part if you know what i mean. A cow head is something made by a bull and cow! I mean was there even a point behind it! Art is something made up of smaller things to make a model or paint to paper! something original and something that is hand made, not a cow head that was handled by hands as it was put in formaldehyde.
Haha I think modern American art might convey that we're a little bit psychotic. Look at things that are now accepted as art...for example the wall of hubcaps at the museum of art in Denver, and I remember last time we went to the museum of art there was a cow head preserved in formaldehyde how is that art? Personally I think it's a little bit creepy. However, Graffiti, which I consider to be wayyyy more artistic is excluded and considered offensive? It's crazy! My personal opinion is that few 'real' artists exist in this century. Somehow society has allowed proper proportioning, perspective, light, shadow, and colouring to be ignored. Basically in modern art anything goes. For example there's two different canvases done in the musem of art in Denver: one is completely white and the other is a heavy layer of white paint flecking a dark blue background. Where is the creative thought and artistic talent in this canvas I would like to know?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Quinn the Eskimo (Art)
So, if art can reveal the values of a people, what will American art in our lifetime say about us? For example, we can learn about Greek cutlure by looking at Greek art (they often didn't where clothes). What then would 2 Pac anb The Family Guy say to future generations about us?
Quinn the Eskimo (Nationalism)
I agree with Harely. I usually do not like nationalism, because I think it's over the top and self-righteous. However, it does provide a way to unifying people under a common vision....perhaps an evil.
Haney (playlist)
1.Sountrack 2 my LIFE- Kid Cudi
2.Cudi Zone-Kid Cudi
3.Say Yeah-Wiz Khalifa
4.Up,Up and Away-Kid Cudi
5.Pursuit of happyness-Kid Cudi
2.Cudi Zone-Kid Cudi
3.Say Yeah-Wiz Khalifa
4.Up,Up and Away-Kid Cudi
5.Pursuit of happyness-Kid Cudi
Anne (Playlist 9/23)
1. Happens All The Time - Cold
2. Vanilla Twilight - Owl City
3. I Dare You - Shinedown
4. Chamber The Cartridge - Rise Against
5. How You Love Me Now - Hey Monday
2. Vanilla Twilight - Owl City
3. I Dare You - Shinedown
4. Chamber The Cartridge - Rise Against
5. How You Love Me Now - Hey Monday
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Paige (Nationalism)
I kinda agree with Harley. I understand the idea of what you said. I mean it does make sense, our country doesn't want it's people to go somewhere else and they want the support and acknowledgement like an evil dictator! I don't know I guess there is nothing really wrong with nationalism, but at the moment I am kinda spaced on what is involved in once I remember I might have more to say.
Artist of the DAY
1. Remember The Name-Fort Minor
2. Fireflies-Owl City
3. Whatcha Say- Jason Derulo
4. Your A Jerk-New Boyz
2. Fireflies-Owl City
3. Whatcha Say- Jason Derulo
4. Your A Jerk-New Boyz
Haney (Playlist) of a horrible day
1.She Hates Me-Puddle of Mudd
2.Psycho-Puddle of Mudd
3.Fake it-Seether
4.Pain-Three Days Grace
4.Its All Over-Three Days Grace
8.These Walls-Trapt
2.Psycho-Puddle of Mudd
3.Fake it-Seether
4.Pain-Three Days Grace
4.Its All Over-Three Days Grace
8.These Walls-Trapt
Anne (Playlist 9/22)
1. Wonderwall-Oasis
2. Let it Go-Cavo
3. Reckless Abandonment-The Spill Canvas
4. Hero-Skillet
5. Jars-Chevelle
6. Little Moments-Brad Paisley
7. Everything You Want-Vertical Horizon
8. Someday-Flipsyde
9. I've Got Friends-Manchester Orchestra
2. Let it Go-Cavo
3. Reckless Abandonment-The Spill Canvas
4. Hero-Skillet
5. Jars-Chevelle
6. Little Moments-Brad Paisley
7. Everything You Want-Vertical Horizon
8. Someday-Flipsyde
9. I've Got Friends-Manchester Orchestra
1. Cowboy Casanova- Carrie Underwood
2.White Liar- Miranda Lambert
3.Whatcha Say- Jason Derulo
4.Honky Tonk Stomp- Brooks and Dunn
5.People Are Crazy- Billy Currington
6.Need You Now- Lady Antebellum
7.Big Green Tractor- Jason Aldean
8.I'll Be That- Jimmy Wayne
2.White Liar- Miranda Lambert
3.Whatcha Say- Jason Derulo
4.Honky Tonk Stomp- Brooks and Dunn
5.People Are Crazy- Billy Currington
6.Need You Now- Lady Antebellum
7.Big Green Tractor- Jason Aldean
8.I'll Be That- Jimmy Wayne
Monday, September 21, 2009
Harley Music List 9-20
1. Run This Town- Jay-Z (feat. Kanye West and Rihanna)
2. I Hate This Song- Secondhand Serenade
3. Because Of You- Ne-Yo (feat. Kanye West)
4. Umbrella- Rihanna (feat. Jay-Z)
5. Sugar- Flo Rida (feat. Wynter)
6. Remember The Name- Fort Minor
7. Where'd You Go- Fort Minor
8. Paper Planes- M.I.A.
9. Your Love Is Lie/Boulevard Of Broken Dreams- Mash UP! Simple Plan vs. Green Day
10. Perfect Blue Buildings- Counting Crows
2. I Hate This Song- Secondhand Serenade
3. Because Of You- Ne-Yo (feat. Kanye West)
4. Umbrella- Rihanna (feat. Jay-Z)
5. Sugar- Flo Rida (feat. Wynter)
6. Remember The Name- Fort Minor
7. Where'd You Go- Fort Minor
8. Paper Planes- M.I.A.
9. Your Love Is Lie/Boulevard Of Broken Dreams- Mash UP! Simple Plan vs. Green Day
10. Perfect Blue Buildings- Counting Crows
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I dunno about nationalism. Does it have some of the same qualities as religion? Maybe you're country is a religion as well, you're dedicated-- or should be dedicated-- to your country and it's laws? I dunno I think it's just another clever way for the system to inspire unity among members. Lets take a glance at Africa where thousands of tribes (countries) try to connect and it results in nothing but bloodshed. So maybe nationalism is another one of those necessary evils?
Harley's Music List 9-17
1. Supermassive Black Hole-- Muse
2. She Hates Me-- Puddle of Mud
3. Please Come To Boston-- Kenny Loggins
4. Everything Changes-- Staind
5. Perfect Blue Buildings-- Counting Crows
6. Gives You Hell-- The All American Rejects
7. 1,2,3,4-- Plain White T's
8. Busy Being Fabulous-- The Eagles
9. Where'd You Go-- Fort Minor
10. I Hate This Song-- Secondhand Serenade
2. She Hates Me-- Puddle of Mud
3. Please Come To Boston-- Kenny Loggins
4. Everything Changes-- Staind
5. Perfect Blue Buildings-- Counting Crows
6. Gives You Hell-- The All American Rejects
7. 1,2,3,4-- Plain White T's
8. Busy Being Fabulous-- The Eagles
9. Where'd You Go-- Fort Minor
10. I Hate This Song-- Secondhand Serenade
Playlist (Senator.)
- Never Ever- Wiz Khalifa
- Last Train Home- LostProphets
- Pursuit of Happiness- KiD CuDi
- Closing Time- Semisonic
- As I'm Falling Down- Escape The Fate
- 7 Days A Week- Rock City
- Born On A Different Cloud- Oasis
- Clumsy- Our Lady Peace
- Divine Comedy- Machine Gun Kelly
This is my playlist for the day, there is plenty of diversity, so...have fun and feel free to check these out. Most of them relate to how my day went today, some are just a few favorite oldies that I found relevant.
Paige (Question for y'all)
Who was the first woman to run for U.S. President?
Victoria Claflin Woodhull
The answer is in this blog post...find it...
Victoria Claflin Woodhull
The answer is in this blog post...find it...
Quinn the Eskimo
My play list:
1. Stairway to Heaven- Led Zeplin
2. Workin' in a Coal Mine- The Judds
3. Gospel Plow- Bob Dylan
4. If I had a Hammer- The Weavers
5. Going Down this Old Dusty Road- Woody Guthrie
6. You Better Think- Aretha Franklin
7. Paper Planes- MIA
8. Working Class Hero- John Lennon
9. He's Got the Whole World in His Hands- Odetta
10. Moon Shaddow- Cat Stevens
1. Stairway to Heaven- Led Zeplin
2. Workin' in a Coal Mine- The Judds
3. Gospel Plow- Bob Dylan
4. If I had a Hammer- The Weavers
5. Going Down this Old Dusty Road- Woody Guthrie
6. You Better Think- Aretha Franklin
7. Paper Planes- MIA
8. Working Class Hero- John Lennon
9. He's Got the Whole World in His Hands- Odetta
10. Moon Shaddow- Cat Stevens
Paige (American Ride)
Some may say Toby is outdated, but there is nothing wrong with supporting your country and flaunting its flaws at the same time! He's just trying to make the best of a not so funny situation.haha...
Okay so I gotta catch up here a lil haha. Usually I'm the one blogging all by myself with no one listening lol. Um Quinn's original question: If we made our own personal religions who would be there to persecute us? (there has to be a persecutor because that's just how humans work and even animals work like that prey and predator). I think that if I made my own religion the Vatican might just be the first people to want me dead. I have a lot of strong religion opinions and one of them is that there has to be a certain element of doubt/suspicion in the bible because it was written by God's human desciples therefore because they were written by humans there's a margin for treachery. Isn't it proven strongly enough in the era of the Old Testament that humans are capable of treachery even when considered holy such as the story of Judas? So the Vatican would totally shoot me first. No wait murder is unholy. So they'd hire someone to shoot me.
Senator (boo nationalism)
I hate the idea of Nationalism, however, being an American, I'm supposed to support it. :(
Nationalism and Toby Keith
So, Keith sells records in America, and his theme is often nationalism. Does this concept of promoting nationalism have unintended consequences though? In the world of globalism, is Keith outdated? For better or fo worse?
Check these out.
Toby Keith American Ride:
I can't get the URL for The Dance by Garth Brooks, but look at google videos, yahoo videos, or youtube.
I can't get the URL for The Dance by Garth Brooks, but look at google videos, yahoo videos, or youtube.
Nationalism and Toby Keith
Paige just showed me the "American Ride" video by Toby Keith. It seemed fairly funny and semi-ballanced, in terms of ideology. Toby Keith is an interesting figure in American culture, though. I would say that he, as much as any mainstream entertainer, promotes the idea of nationalism. He loves being an American, and he will tell you about it. (I will continue)
Senator (Religion Creation)
I guess it would depend, Quinn. It would all depend upon what angle I chose to take .
Paige (songs list)
Fireflies- Owl City
American Ride- Toby Keith
Different Breed- Carter's Chord
Letters From Home- John Michael Montgomery
The Dance- Garth Brooks
Not Ready To Make Nice- Dixie Chicks
A couple of these songs talk about ideas or controversies that have happend in our country or are happening in our country. The rest of them, like The Dance by Garth Brooks, talks about things to live for in life, the things you live for, or just something you question.
American Ride- Toby Keith
Different Breed- Carter's Chord
Letters From Home- John Michael Montgomery
The Dance- Garth Brooks
Not Ready To Make Nice- Dixie Chicks
A couple of these songs talk about ideas or controversies that have happend in our country or are happening in our country. The rest of them, like The Dance by Garth Brooks, talks about things to live for in life, the things you live for, or just something you question.
Haney (Playlist)
1.Beautiful- Akon
2.Dont Matter- Akon
3.Forever- Chris Brown
4.Cant Believe It- T-Pain Ft Lil Wayne
5.Closer- Ne-Yo
6.Miss. Independent- Ne-Yo
7.With You- Chris Brown
8.Mad- Ne-Yo
9.Hypnotized-Plies Ft Akon
2.Dont Matter- Akon
3.Forever- Chris Brown
4.Cant Believe It- T-Pain Ft Lil Wayne
5.Closer- Ne-Yo
6.Miss. Independent- Ne-Yo
7.With You- Chris Brown
8.Mad- Ne-Yo
9.Hypnotized-Plies Ft Akon
Quinn the Eskimo
So it sounds like Senator wants to start his own religion (world history class). What, if any, world organizations will precieve this as a threat?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Quinn the Eskimo (Kanye)
I agree with you now, Paige. You made a strong case, and I must now change my position. Well done.
Paige (Kayne)
Sure Kayne West did something raw and open, but don't you think it was a little outlandish and rude to do ruin something that big in someone's life. He didn't even defend why he thought Beyonce's video was the best of all time. All she did was dance in an unordinary way. There was no real meaning behind it. I'm not saying I don't like Beyonce or I don't like the song or video, but he had no reason to do that without an explanition. It really wasn't even nessesary to do that infront of everyone, I'm sure he could have could have posted it on Facebook, Myspace, or Tweeted about it, he didn't have to be that blunt about it.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Quinn the Eskimo
Well said Harely. So then, how do we overcome our place in time and space. Who decides this is no longer acceptable? Do the economics change? Do the values change? Or does someone finally ask enough questions to challenge the status quo?
Hey I'm going to get a little off topic here for just a second I found an awesome quote that's good to think about:
"I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong."
--John Lennon
"I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong."
--John Lennon
Anne (Harley)
People accept the flaws of the human nature like they are inescapable when really they are just that: extremely "flawed".
People accept the flaws of the human nature like they are inescapable when really they are just that: extremely "flawed".
Quinn the Eskimo
I find Kayne West somewhat refreshing. He reminds me of Dyaln in a way. They both act out and anger people from time to time, but they both also are true artists. In fact, they speak out in ways that could cost them money and fame, and they still keep on speaking. I'm not saying I love what he did to Taylor Swift, but I do like that he doesn't calculate his every move. He gambles with new sounds and ideas. I think his last album was brilliant; it was so raw and open.
As for what Senator said about certain bands being his for that day that doesn't matter. Just post the titles of songs that you're really feeling that particular day. So the list that you already put up was good :) have a happy birthday by the way :)
As for racism:
I completely agree! It's just a way to keep yourself from feeling the guilt. I think that maybe racism (dominance) is just an initial component built into the human mind! Even before slavery (African American slaves that is) Christopher Columbus mentions that the Indians (when he first arrived in America) would make fine slaves because of their build and knowledge of the land. These days we look at that as barbarianism but really he knew nothing else! How was he expected to know right from wrong when wrong hadn't even been established yet!
As for racism:
I completely agree! It's just a way to keep yourself from feeling the guilt. I think that maybe racism (dominance) is just an initial component built into the human mind! Even before slavery (African American slaves that is) Christopher Columbus mentions that the Indians (when he first arrived in America) would make fine slaves because of their build and knowledge of the land. These days we look at that as barbarianism but really he knew nothing else! How was he expected to know right from wrong when wrong hadn't even been established yet!
Christianity and Socialism
Jeff brought up a point earlier, that I will throw out...Can we find the basic tennets of socialism in Christianity: sharing wealth, caring for the poor, etc. ?
I think this is way too hard to follow all at once...
We need to stick to one topic at a time!
As for Quinn the Eskimo:
I think racism is just a way of shouldering the blame. Humans cannot deal with mistakes and even worse the guilt. They use everyday topics like racism or even religion to prejudice others into their own fault. I think racism is a learned behavior through the teachings of your guardians and those around you who influence your life, but at the same time humans are born with the foundation for racism. Humans are born with the incapacity for self-wrong, therefore rascism is an easy way out to blame someone else.
As for music:
You talk and I'll listen but what exactly are you looking for?
We need to stick to one topic at a time!
As for Quinn the Eskimo:
I think racism is just a way of shouldering the blame. Humans cannot deal with mistakes and even worse the guilt. They use everyday topics like racism or even religion to prejudice others into their own fault. I think racism is a learned behavior through the teachings of your guardians and those around you who influence your life, but at the same time humans are born with the foundation for racism. Humans are born with the incapacity for self-wrong, therefore rascism is an easy way out to blame someone else.
As for music:
You talk and I'll listen but what exactly are you looking for?
I can kind of see several different lights about your question Quinn. In the movie John Adams we see from the representative from South Carolina a sort of born in acceptance of racism and slavery. So my question is if you are raised (on a continent, in an era, in a region) where you no nothing but racism/slavery is it condonable?
Quinn the Eskimo
A recent Time magizine article provokes a questsion...Where does racism come from? Are we born with it? Are we taught it?
Okay I'm really getting a negative vibe here from these posts. Okay here's topic that everyone can relate to. Let's talk music for a little while. Anything and everything. Play it, Hate it, Listen to it, your choice. Ooh and some opinions about Kanye...he was on Leno the other night apologizing.
I think that suffering can make us better because we learn how to deal with whatever is going on in our life. I think that when you stay up really late doing whatever that it allows you to see the world a different light. Such as going with the flow and not always fighting on petty things. I agree that i appriciate free time more because the things that i feel like doing makes me love life more...
Quinn the Eskimo
As several of you appear down, let me throw something out....Does suffering makes us better? When you stay up all night doing homework, does that some how allow you to see the world a different light. Do you appriciate free time more, when you have less? Do we learn more in a loss than in victory? Considering our global world, perhaps we must all suffer much more in order to survive.
Haney (Playlist)
Boom Boom Pow Remix- Kid Cudi-Black Eyed Peas
Im So Paid-Akon
Im on A Boat-T-Pain Lonley Island
Shadow of the Day-Linkin Park
Papercut-Linkin Park
Break Stuff- Limp Bizkit
One Step Closer-Linkin Park
Im So Paid-Akon
Im on A Boat-T-Pain Lonley Island
Shadow of the Day-Linkin Park
Papercut-Linkin Park
Break Stuff- Limp Bizkit
One Step Closer-Linkin Park
Paige...To ...::THUNDER::...
I love ...::THUNDER::..., Highls, My Cheyanne May Herbert! Happy 15th Birthday!!!!!!! :) <3
Ally (Life)
Life can suck here and there but life eventually life becomes happy. The happiness may not last for long but it usually makes people feel better in some way. I guess live life to the fullest. I don't know the real point of life... Maybe life is just a big test.
Anne (Playlist)
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
So Far Away - Staind
Dig - Incubus
Next in Line - Meese
~There's my day!
So Far Away - Staind
Dig - Incubus
Next in Line - Meese
~There's my day!
life does is the worst...but happy birthday cheyanne!! thats the only good part of the day but other than that the biology test was horribale then we get more homework in algebra 2 so im giving up on life
Monday, September 14, 2009
So maybe (going back to Quinn's original thought) maybe religion is simply a way of bringing unity...and that there really is no right or wrong answer? Just something to think about...
Paige(my playlists of the day)
Toes- Zac Brown Band
Different Breed- Carter's Chord....i'm not explaining the songs choices..
Different Breed- Carter's Chord....i'm not explaining the songs choices..
I cant tell you how was God made because nobody can go back into time. I guess that people just have to have lots of faith to believe in God. Well God created the earth and all that was in it in six days and the seventh day he rested. God was always here from the begining and so therefore he can not die making him enternal. Good question. God made us humans and there for awhile we were perfect. Until Satan tempeted the first women (Eve). In Genesis 2:15-17 it says The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." Jesus was actually dead and that is why the Roman soldier took the spear and stabbed him into the side to see if he was dead. People can survive to a certain point without food or water. True that to that statement. Ill get back to you on that last statement.
Ally (Harley)
I think that Sunday was invented when God created the world in six days and on the seventh day he rested. I guess that God's favorite number is seven and that is why Sundays are special but dont quote me on that.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Here's a question that is kind of hard to wrap your mind around. When was the idea of sunday invented? And why exactly are Sunday's special in view of Christian philosophy? I know why Easter sunday is special because that's the day that Jesus came back from the dead and everything.
Today's Playlist (Senatorrrrr!)

Does this photo look like it's from a 1960-1970's LSD trip style movie?
1.)Follow Me- Kid Cudi
2.)Pardon Me- Incubus
3.)Blowin' In The Wind-Bob Dylan
4.)Nothing At All- Machine Gun Kelly
5.)Soundtrack 2 My Life- Kid Cudi
6.)Rise & Fall- Craig David & Sting
7.)End Of The World (E.O.T.W.)- Novel & Donnie Darko
8.)Welcome To My Life- Simple Plan
Senator was the book called "The Death Of Jack Hamilton"? because some of the outrageous stuff in that book. Like the part when Homer Van Meter ropes flies is entirely true. Homer Van Meter learned to rope flies while doing time on the mat in Pendelton Reformatory. Personally I think that these gangsters and some of the most fascinating people in history.
Senator - Religion
History Timeline of World Religions and its Founders
2,085 BC. Judaism-Abraham
1,500 BC. Hinduism- no specific founder
560 BC. Buddhism- Gautama Buddha
550 BC. Taoism - Lao Tzu
599 BC. Jainism, Mahavira
30 AD. Christianity –Jesus Christ
50-100 AD. Gnosticism-
150-250 AD. -Modalism (Monarchianism)–Sabellius, Praxeus, Noetus, Paul of Samosata
325 AD. -After being persecuted for almost 200 years Constantine made the Church becomes a legal religion, compromise begins to enter.
590 AD.-Roman Catholicism- Developed after Constantine; Pope Gregory?
610 AD.- Islam- Mohammed
1400 AD.- Rosicrucians-Christian Rosenkreuz (1694 US) Rosicrucians- Master Kelpius, Johann Andrea
1515 AD.- Protestantism- (Reformers) Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin
1650 AD.- Tibetan Buddhism-Dalai Lama
1700 AD.- Freemasony- Albert Mackey, Albert Pike
1760 AD.-Swedenborgism- Emmanuel Swedenborg
1784 AD.- Shakers - Mother Ann Lee
1830 AD.- Mormonism – Joseph Smith
1830 AD.-Cambellites-Alexander & Thomas Cambell, Barton Stone
1838 AD.-Tenrikyo- Miki Maegawa Nakayama
1844 AD.-Christadelphians- John Thomas
1840-45 AD.-Millerites 2nd day Adventists –William Miller then became 7th Day Adventists
1844 AD.-Bahai- Baha'u'llah (Abul Baha)
1845-1870AD.- 7th Day Adventists-E.G. White
1848 AD.-Spiritualism - Kate and Margaret Fox
1870 AD.-Jehovah's Witnesses- Charles Taze Russell
1875 AD.-Theosophical Society- H.P. Blavatsky, Henry Olcott
1879 AD.-Christian Science-Mary Baker Eddy
1889-1924 AD.-Unity School of Christianity- Myrtle Fillmore
1900 AD.-Rosicrucian Fellowship-Max Heindel
1902 AD.- Anthroposophical Society –Rudolf Steiner
1906 AD. -The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1914 AD.- Iglesia ni Cristo- Felix Manalo
1914 AD.- Oneness Pentecostalism- Frank Ewart, G.T.Haywood, Glenn Cook
1917 AD.-True Jesus Church. Founders Paul Wei, Lingsheng Chang and Barnabas Chang
1930 AD. -Black Muslims (Nation of Islam) –Wallace D. Fard
1927 AD.- Mind Science- Ernest Holmes
1934 AD.-World Wide Church of God- Herbert W. Armstrong
1935 AD.-Self Realization Fellowship- Paramahansa Yogananda
1954 AD.- Unification Church- Sun Myung Moon
1945 AD. -The Way -Victor P.Wierwille
1948 AD.- Latter Rain –Franklin Hall, George Warnock.
1964 AD.- Eckankar The Ancient Science of Soul Travel (Eck). Founded by Paul Twitchell
1968 AD.- Hare Krishna (US)- Swami Prabhupada
1968 AD.- Children of God- David (Moses) Berg
1945 AD.-United Pentecostal International- Howard Goss, W.T. Witherspoon (can be traced back to 1914)
1944 AD.- Silva Mind Control –Jose Silva
1950 AD.-Urantia Book- Dr. Bill Sadler
1950 AD.-Lafayette Ronald Hubbard published his book Dianetics-SCIENTOLOGY
1954 AD.-Atherius Society (UFO’s)- Dr. George King
1955 AD.- Scientology- L. Ron Hubbard
1958 AD.- Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research- Henry Kinley
1958-1970 AD.- Church Universal and Triumphant –Mark and E.C. Prophet
1958 AD. -Henry Kinley begins (IDMR) the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research
1959 AD.-Unitariarian Universalist
1960 AD.-Transcendental meditation- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
1960 AD.-Enkankar- Paul Twitchell
1961 AD.- Unitarian Universalism was officially formed.
1965 AD.-Assembly of Yahweh-Jacob Meyer
1966 AD.- Church of Satan –Anton LaVey
1970 AD.-Findhorn Community –Peter and Eileen Caddy –David Spangler
1970 AD.- Divine light Mission- Guru Maharaj Ji
1973 AD.- CARP was established in the United States. [The Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles] to introduce the teachings of un Myung Moon.
1974 AD.-Assemblies of Yahweh-Sam Suratt
1979 AD.-Church of Christ International - Kip McKean
1980 -1982 AD.- Tara Center-Benjamen Crème
1980 AD.- House of Yahweh (Abilene) Jacob Hawkins
2,085 BC. Judaism-Abraham
1,500 BC. Hinduism- no specific founder
560 BC. Buddhism- Gautama Buddha
550 BC. Taoism - Lao Tzu
599 BC. Jainism, Mahavira
30 AD. Christianity –Jesus Christ
50-100 AD. Gnosticism-
150-250 AD. -Modalism (Monarchianism)–Sabellius, Praxeus, Noetus, Paul of Samosata
325 AD. -After being persecuted for almost 200 years Constantine made the Church becomes a legal religion, compromise begins to enter.
590 AD.-Roman Catholicism- Developed after Constantine; Pope Gregory?
610 AD.- Islam- Mohammed
1400 AD.- Rosicrucians-Christian Rosenkreuz (1694 US) Rosicrucians- Master Kelpius, Johann Andrea
1515 AD.- Protestantism- (Reformers) Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin
1650 AD.- Tibetan Buddhism-Dalai Lama
1700 AD.- Freemasony- Albert Mackey, Albert Pike
1760 AD.-Swedenborgism- Emmanuel Swedenborg
1784 AD.- Shakers - Mother Ann Lee
1830 AD.- Mormonism – Joseph Smith
1830 AD.-Cambellites-Alexander & Thomas Cambell, Barton Stone
1838 AD.-Tenrikyo- Miki Maegawa Nakayama
1844 AD.-Christadelphians- John Thomas
1840-45 AD.-Millerites 2nd day Adventists –William Miller then became 7th Day Adventists
1844 AD.-Bahai- Baha'u'llah (Abul Baha)
1845-1870AD.- 7th Day Adventists-E.G. White
1848 AD.-Spiritualism - Kate and Margaret Fox
1870 AD.-Jehovah's Witnesses- Charles Taze Russell
1875 AD.-Theosophical Society- H.P. Blavatsky, Henry Olcott
1879 AD.-Christian Science-Mary Baker Eddy
1889-1924 AD.-Unity School of Christianity- Myrtle Fillmore
1900 AD.-Rosicrucian Fellowship-Max Heindel
1902 AD.- Anthroposophical Society –Rudolf Steiner
1906 AD. -The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
1914 AD.- Iglesia ni Cristo- Felix Manalo
1914 AD.- Oneness Pentecostalism- Frank Ewart, G.T.Haywood, Glenn Cook
1917 AD.-True Jesus Church. Founders Paul Wei, Lingsheng Chang and Barnabas Chang
1930 AD. -Black Muslims (Nation of Islam) –Wallace D. Fard
1927 AD.- Mind Science- Ernest Holmes
1934 AD.-World Wide Church of God- Herbert W. Armstrong
1935 AD.-Self Realization Fellowship- Paramahansa Yogananda
1954 AD.- Unification Church- Sun Myung Moon
1945 AD. -The Way -Victor P.Wierwille
1948 AD.- Latter Rain –Franklin Hall, George Warnock.
1964 AD.- Eckankar The Ancient Science of Soul Travel (Eck). Founded by Paul Twitchell
1968 AD.- Hare Krishna (US)- Swami Prabhupada
1968 AD.- Children of God- David (Moses) Berg
1945 AD.-United Pentecostal International- Howard Goss, W.T. Witherspoon (can be traced back to 1914)
1944 AD.- Silva Mind Control –Jose Silva
1950 AD.-Urantia Book- Dr. Bill Sadler
1950 AD.-Lafayette Ronald Hubbard published his book Dianetics-SCIENTOLOGY
1954 AD.-Atherius Society (UFO’s)- Dr. George King
1955 AD.- Scientology- L. Ron Hubbard
1958 AD.- Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research- Henry Kinley
1958-1970 AD.- Church Universal and Triumphant –Mark and E.C. Prophet
1958 AD. -Henry Kinley begins (IDMR) the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research
1959 AD.-Unitariarian Universalist
1960 AD.-Transcendental meditation- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
1960 AD.-Enkankar- Paul Twitchell
1961 AD.- Unitarian Universalism was officially formed.
1965 AD.-Assembly of Yahweh-Jacob Meyer
1966 AD.- Church of Satan –Anton LaVey
1970 AD.-Findhorn Community –Peter and Eileen Caddy –David Spangler
1970 AD.- Divine light Mission- Guru Maharaj Ji
1973 AD.- CARP was established in the United States. [The Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles] to introduce the teachings of un Myung Moon.
1974 AD.-Assemblies of Yahweh-Sam Suratt
1979 AD.-Church of Christ International - Kip McKean
1980 -1982 AD.- Tara Center-Benjamen Crème
1980 AD.- House of Yahweh (Abilene) Jacob Hawkins
I am not completely sure, but...I posted links on my twitter, etc. for more views. I once read a Stephen King book about Dillinger and Machine Gun Kelly style guys, they are pretty interesting actually. I have been researching so I may continue to post some of my new interesting knowledge on religion.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Harley Music List 9-12
1. Bleed It Out-- Linkin Park
2. This Much Fun-- Cowboy Mouth
3. Cocaine Blues-- Johnny Cash
4. Decode-- Paramore
5. Bree Bree-- Brokencyde
6. It's Been A While-- Staind
7. This Ain't A Scene (Remix)-- Fall Out Boy
8. The Red-- Chevelle
9. There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet-- Panic! At The Disco
10. I Never Told You What I Did For A Living-- My Chemical Romance
2. This Much Fun-- Cowboy Mouth
3. Cocaine Blues-- Johnny Cash
4. Decode-- Paramore
5. Bree Bree-- Brokencyde
6. It's Been A While-- Staind
7. This Ain't A Scene (Remix)-- Fall Out Boy
8. The Red-- Chevelle
9. There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet-- Panic! At The Disco
10. I Never Told You What I Did For A Living-- My Chemical Romance
I'm liking the pole voting Senator but does anybody but us (and random people we don't know) read this? Right now I'm reading a book called Public Enemies by Bryan Burrough and it's excellent. It's about Machine Gun Kelly, Bonnie and Clyde, The Barkers, Johnny Dillenger (and the Dillenger Gang), and Baby Face Nelson. Here's a random subject to throw out (cause I'm kinda done with religion) What do you guys think about these guys outlaws or "Robin Hood's?"
Music Playlist (Senator)
Today's Playlist

1.) Good Mourning- Machine Gun Kelly (no link)
2.)a.) Sky Might Fall (Soul Remix)-Novel (
2.)b.) Sky Might Fall-Kid Cudi (
3.) Something-Escape The Fate (
4.) I Am- Novel(
5.) Drive- Incubus (
1.) Good Mourning- Machine Gun Kelly (no link)
2.)a.) Sky Might Fall (Soul Remix)-Novel (
2.)b.) Sky Might Fall-Kid Cudi (
3.) Something-Escape The Fate (
4.) I Am- Novel(
5.) Drive- Incubus (
Friday, September 11, 2009
I know I dont know everything about the bible and about if i totally misenterprited anything please correct the prior theory if i have it wrong..
Paige (Time and Religion)
I'm not gonna lie I didnt read all the posts but most of them. :) First off i agree with everyone on the time theory. Whoever said that time is just a way to keep everyone in sync is right. I'm not that time could really be used for much more. I mean sure I agree with the so called bed times and work hours but it's just to keep everyone in sync! Everyone else is doing the same thing! We are all in sync. I wonder what it would be like if humans didnt use clocks...i wonder if we would be more easy goin or more stressed because we would have to rely on instincts and natural time(brightness, habits of things around us, ect) Take away clocks but not the concept of time and see what happens.
I totally agree with Haney! How was God made??!! How are people supposed to believe in something that just came from no where and then made more people. What if was a brain washer and convinsed everyone that he made them because i mean am i really supposed to believe that he was by himself at one point. How long did it take this God person to realize he could make people and animals and the earth and water? He would have had to die before he realized that...but i guess that brings up another point that he is super human because he did all this so maybe he won't ever die or whatever. How come he is the only "super human" I could see that maybe he didnt want to make any more like him, but it brings back up, where in the heck did he come from! I believe in Jesus because he was real person, but how did he come back to life? Was he really clinically dead when he supposidly died on the cross?? He could have just been wounded physically to the point of exhaustion or something. People can survive to a certain point without food or water. I probably don't know all about it but that is what is coming across to me. I also think that God could just be a security blanket for people. Like a teadybear to a child. God just gives people in that if they pray enough something good will come. A teadybear gives comfort like something that can keep all your secrets and eventually makes you feel better just because. Same with God. It's a mind game, you trick yourself into thinking that things will be ok because you think that God is working on it. I'm not sure how prayers apply to the healing and helping of people. I think it just happens.
I totally agree with Haney! How was God made??!! How are people supposed to believe in something that just came from no where and then made more people. What if was a brain washer and convinsed everyone that he made them because i mean am i really supposed to believe that he was by himself at one point. How long did it take this God person to realize he could make people and animals and the earth and water? He would have had to die before he realized that...but i guess that brings up another point that he is super human because he did all this so maybe he won't ever die or whatever. How come he is the only "super human" I could see that maybe he didnt want to make any more like him, but it brings back up, where in the heck did he come from! I believe in Jesus because he was real person, but how did he come back to life? Was he really clinically dead when he supposidly died on the cross?? He could have just been wounded physically to the point of exhaustion or something. People can survive to a certain point without food or water. I probably don't know all about it but that is what is coming across to me. I also think that God could just be a security blanket for people. Like a teadybear to a child. God just gives people in that if they pray enough something good will come. A teadybear gives comfort like something that can keep all your secrets and eventually makes you feel better just because. Same with God. It's a mind game, you trick yourself into thinking that things will be ok because you think that God is working on it. I'm not sure how prayers apply to the healing and helping of people. I think it just happens.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Ally (Senator Religion)/(Haney)
Ok so hell is a choice. For example when we steal we can be forgiven but that doesn't mean we should let people off the hook without doin the right thing. If you kill someone should we just say it is ok and let them do it again? God gives us that chance to not go to jail. So where would God send people who reject his forgiveness if there is no hell? The only way to get into Heaven is through Jesus forgiving us of our sins. So if people reject his mercy then God can't let them into Heaven. So the only option is hell. That also goes to Haney as well...
Ally (Haney)
I cant really tell you an answer on where did God come from because no one really knows what happened. But if you get to heaven you can ask God that question. Well in the Bible it says in Genesis 2:7 that God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrills the breath of life. Thats how man became living. Also in Genesis 2:21 it says how women were created. So God created women by putting the first man to fall into a depp sleep and while Adam(the first man) was sleeping he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then God made women from the rib he had taken out of the man. Ill get back to you on the last part Haney.
Hey Senator. It might be a good idea to show us all how to create the links for the music playlists. OhKay? :)
Harley's Music List 9-10
1. Flightless Bird-- Iron And Wine
2. Leave Out All The Rest-- Linkin Park
3. Decode-- Paramore
4. Spotlight-- Mutemath
5. Supermassive Black Hole-- Muse
6. Eyes On Fire-- Blue Foundation
7. Go All The Way-- Perry Farrell
8. Tremble For My Beloved-- Collective Soul
9. Never Think-- Robert Pattinson
10. Full Moon-- The Black Ghosts
2. Leave Out All The Rest-- Linkin Park
3. Decode-- Paramore
4. Spotlight-- Mutemath
5. Supermassive Black Hole-- Muse
6. Eyes On Fire-- Blue Foundation
7. Go All The Way-- Perry Farrell
8. Tremble For My Beloved-- Collective Soul
9. Never Think-- Robert Pattinson
10. Full Moon-- The Black Ghosts
Ally (Harley)
I kind of disagree on this because Jesus, God's son, had a group with him called The 12 or more known as desciples. Once Jesus died he was burried in a tomb and three days later he rose again. A lot of people saw, touched, talked, and did miracles. Once Jesus went to heaven the desciples started to write down what happend. (that is the New Testament). The begining part was written by a bunch of guys that God used like Moses in the book Exodus. If God is almighty why didn’t he just destroy Satan? As Satan was one of his angels therefore one of his creations? God left Santan around because he wanted to give us a choice of good or evil. Otherwise if there was no Satan or devil then who would tempt us? Also when Jesus comes back He is going to throw the devil into hell. Why did God make flies? What are their benefits? I guess God made flies to help the decomposition process and eat the food we throw away. Even though they are VERY annoying. Where did anti-Christ come from? Well the anti-christ has not come yet because its one of the last days of events. (It would help if you can remember the Left Behind Books or movies). I hope that these answers can help you.
Quinn the Eskimo
Quinn the Eskimo’s Ten Twelve Musicians
1. Mozart
2. Woody Guthrie
3. Lead Belly
4. Bob Dylan
5. Beethoven
6. Miles Davis
7. John Lennon
8. Billie Holiday
9. Willie Nelson
10. Aretha Franklin
11. Pete Seger
12. Paul Simon
1. Mozart
2. Woody Guthrie
3. Lead Belly
4. Bob Dylan
5. Beethoven
6. Miles Davis
7. John Lennon
8. Billie Holiday
9. Willie Nelson
10. Aretha Franklin
11. Pete Seger
12. Paul Simon
I’m with you there Senator. So maybe it isn’t really religion it’s more like a set of morals? The biggest discrepancy I have with the bible it the fact that it was re-written several times by mortal men. I’m really not religious I have a hard time believing in things that aren’t palpable. Maybe religion is only a way to unite people and concepts? One of the things that really gets me about religion is this: compare Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all have one god with similar theories maybe their separate God’s aren’t quite so separate? The same goes for Greek (mythology) compared to Paganism and just maybe their God’s are also the same? I think I may have just repeated Senator but I guess it helps me to comprehend what he’s discussing? I have a couple questions?
1. If God is almighty why didn’t he just destroy Satan? As Satan was one of his angels therefore one of his creations?
2. Why did God make flies? What are their benefits?
3. Where did anti-Christ come from?
I dunno if you guys can help me out with this one but those are just a few of my questions.
1. If God is almighty why didn’t he just destroy Satan? As Satan was one of his angels therefore one of his creations?
2. Why did God make flies? What are their benefits?
3. Where did anti-Christ come from?
I dunno if you guys can help me out with this one but those are just a few of my questions.
Haney (Playlist)
1.Dont Trust Me Rmx Ft Kid Cudi 3OH3
2.Im So Paid Akon Lil Wayne Jeezy
3.Ms. Rightfernow
2.Im So Paid Akon Lil Wayne Jeezy
3.Ms. Rightfernow
Quinn the Eskimo
I always have wondered why Jews don't really believe in hell, but Christians and Muslims do? Any ideas?
Music (Senator & Haney)
We decided to throw the idea of a new topic out This will jsut be a subtopic for those who don't want to participate in the current blog topics. Here's how you do this: You post the titles of a few songs, which will reflect how your day went. i.e. You had a bad, short day. You may put 1 song to represent the short day, and the song Bad Day- Unknown to represent the bad day. If possible post links to the songs you have chosen.
Senator & Haney
We decided to throw the idea of a new topic out This will jsut be a subtopic for those who don't want to participate in the current blog topics. Here's how you do this: You post the titles of a few songs, which will reflect how your day went. i.e. You had a bad, short day. You may put 1 song to represent the short day, and the song Bad Day- Unknown to represent the bad day. If possible post links to the songs you have chosen.
Senator & Haney
Ally (Senator Religion)
I do agree on the first part…Personally, I think that religion has to do with one single person's state of mind. I do disagree on the statement (Although one could say: "the bible say's so, so it must be true". So...ideally I could make up a time in history that just so happens to "fit in", and say that my God says so.) I believe that is so not true. What is your god then Senator? For one who believes in a specific God, why does it matter? It matters when it comes down to the end times. I personally and passionately believe that there is only one God! But, I think that we should be open minded about viewing these people but not as HUMANS because we are not perfect! By saying God created the Earth and everyone on it, you are saying that this man came from where? Yes I am agreeing to that! Who is God's father/mother?!? Senator, we look as God like our Heavenly Father. I was once told that I was going to hell because I questioned the ideals of God and Christianity. However, by this religion's rules/books, isn't God supposed to be the only person to judge who goes to hell/heaven. God is the only one to judge people when it comes down to the end times. Wait...doesn't the religion of Christianity also state that God forgives EVERYONE? Yes that is true but there is a differnce between repentance and that God forgives everyone. Thus meaning, hell cannot exist with no one residing in this ungodly and hateful place? I will get back to you on that Senator.
I agree with you jeff on the most part when you talk about how god created Earth and humans like where did he come from did one day he just appear im not to sure on that but no one really knows what happened, how we were created, or how anything happened in the far past i feel that we all should have our own opinion...ive been searching for some type of religion that could make sense to me and for the most part christanity is making the most sense but i done believe many things that i have heard in churchs like how jeff said how he was told that he was going to hell because of his questioning about god and i have heard from every church that god forgives everyone so how could hell be real if god forgives doesnt make for the most part i agree with jeff on his blog
Anne (Religion)
Personally, I think religion is something that people are finding usable as an explanation, a prejudice, an incentive to fight, and a way to blame mistakes. I think people are too absorbed in themselves and their own opinions to see what religion really is and they use it to fight amongst themselves. Discrimination just because someone follows a different God...prosecution because they go too far in that passion...or judging a complete stranger from the street because they appear to be (jewish, hindu, islam, etc.). So no...I don't think people could come together for a common cause because people use religion to keep themselves segregated.
Ally (Religion)
I personally think that they might be able to come together but they would have to put aside their difference to be united as one for God. Like to go out and do his bidding as mission people do it. They would still have have their arguments on little petty things but i think that they may be able to do it.
I think Quinn's definately got a good point. I'm completely comfortable with everything posted here. I like the debate concepts and everything. Straight off I have no real religious views. haha so I guess I'll wait for Senator to finish up he's got a mountain of a post coming :)
Regilon etc.
We all have our own faith and beliefs, and I hope that each one of you feels comfortable with the extent of this conversation. Could relgious groups work more together. Mary might believe in Jesus, while Deborah practices Buddhism, could they agree on certain common traits- we should care for the poor, etc. If relgious groups gave focused on what they have in common, could they do "God's" work together? Look at the Christians that supported Gandhi.
Senator (Religion)

Personally, I think that religion has to do with one single person's state of mind. Whatever suits the way that you would like to live is how religion is formed and followed. Although one could say: "the bible say's so, so it must be true". So...ideally I could make up a time in history that just so happens to "fit in", and say that my God says so. Religion is a tool used to keep people in line, which isn't historically or factually correct, for ANY religion. None of these people live, nor can we prove that these people have lived. For one who believes in a specific God, why does it matter? I personally and passionately believe that all religions are correct, maybe all of these Gods and religions are correct. If we could somehow take the historical sequences and chronological orders of all religions and history that we KNOW is true and piece it together in a fashion that seems to make chronological, mathematical, scientific, and religious sense, we could then see which one of these followings/organizations/businesses is lying about their big piece in history. Who'sto say that there isn't a main god (for all Monotheists), who has something I'm going to call sub-gods (mathematics come in again), these would be the gods of all polytheistic religions. Therefore they all fit in historically as well. But, I think that we need to look at Gods as innovative characters that are not spirits or people who live up above the sky, for we all know that the moon, and possibly a few other galaxies exist beyond that. So rather than some very powerful spirits living in the sky using metaphors and personifications to tell us what and what not to do, we should be open minded about viewing these people as HUMANS. By saying God created the Earth and everyone on it, you are saying that this man came from where? Who is God's father/mother?!? Now, not to say I wasn't raised to be a Christian but...I think that we aren't being rational about this. I was once told that I was going to hell because I questioned the ideals of God and Christianity. However, by this religion's rules/books, isn't God supposed to be the only person to judge who goes to hell/heaven. Wait...doesn't the religion of Christianity also state that God forgives EVERYONE? Thus meaning, hell cannot exist with no one residing in this ungodly and hateful place?
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Wrong thou Senator. Quinn did another post about his step brother. You were talking about how as long as time is mathematically correct it must be right? But you've got to think that the concept that there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in 1 hour, or 24 hours in 1 day is only a tool the first inventors of time created. I.E. you could potentially have 80 seconds in 1.4 hours if they chose to create clocks that read that way. Thus time (in a measurement/clock sense) was only created to suit the original creator. That's completely ridiculous! And of course the invention of light (I.E. lamps, candles, etc) also had a huge effect on time and how people schedule it. By adding more available light people no longer have to stop their day when no more light is available.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Time (Senator.)
Okay, you all bring up great points about the ideal of time. Time itself is truthfully only and organizational tool to keep everyone in sync. Although personally, I think that judgement upon time is ridiculous. It's 12:09 a.m. as of now, aren't you wondering what I've been up to (mr. conn knows)? Although our modern day time sytem seems to work for most, I personally am getting tired of getting 6 hours of sleep as opposed to 11 hours, due to the "convenient" hours of school/sports/everything!. These hours aren't convenient for everyone. Maybe with the dawn of the Technological era, average folks who find General Time as an inconvenience, will have a chance to get 11 hours of sleep. Although, MATH knows BEST! If it is mathematically correct...IT MUST BE RIGHT!
p.s. Yes, I RaaaaaaMBLE!
p.s. Yes, I RaaaaaaMBLE!
Hey Harley sorry for the late reply, however, the "Time and Future" post is Mr. Conn's.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hey Jeffy something's wrong with this blog. I know Mr.Conn posted during seventh and it's not showing his blog?!~ got any ideas?!~~!
Here's an interesting (but slightly off topic) thing i've noticed about time, time zones, and time change. I'm a person who doesn't fit the regular schedule of society that well. I.E. I don't go to sleep at the right time, I like to sleep in, and my eating schedule is sometimes completely off. But this summer I vacationed in North Dakota where I felt a type of relief. Because of the angle the sun hits the earth in North Dakota the sun comes up at about seven-seven thirty and the sun doesn't set until somewhere around eleven. In North Dakota I was completely at ease! Completely rested! so perhaps my 'internal clock' is not off, I merely live in the wrong place!
Time and the Future
Harely bring up some good points. I especially think so now that the industrial revolution is over. If you do your best work at night, perhaps you should be afforded the opportunity to do so. Does our attention to minutes and seconds relate more to a undustrial mindset then, say, an information age mindset? How many people work at home now as opposed to fifty years ago, when people worked in facrories. I've noticed that when I don't work, I will lose track of the day of the week. When I do work, I notice every hour.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Haha okay I was reading over my previous comment and I think there's prolly something I need to add. My grandparents have a special way of going about punishment for coming home too late at night (so thus I really don't have a particularly set curfew). If you come home late at night there's apt to be someone by your bed at four or five the next morning: punishment could thus be milking the cow! :)
Time is Relative :) I think that you're totally right that it's a type of opression. I.E. parents make bedtimes and curfews and expect you to adhere regardless! Personally I'm the type of person that cannot function that well in the morning and I'm better off at night. So having an eleven o'clock curfew is ridiculous!
Quinn the Eskimo (Mr. Conn)
I think that time is a strange concept. In someways it makes sense and helps the world go round, yet time can also be a way to controll people, for better or for worse. In one case I know when to show up to work, and my employeer and I can agree on this time. On the other hand, time can force me to adhere to some code or rule based on the betterment of an evil idea or program me to submit to "the man". Animals don't believe in time, as we define it with minutes and hours, and they seem to function quite well. For example, ants, one could argue, are more organized than humans, despite their lack of clocks.
Lame Jeffy lame! Nobody told me that I had to tag stuff! Just an add on we can do Mock Trial help and stuff here too :) Cheyanne and Amber are going to be on here eventually. Here's Mr.Conn talking about the new Health Care Plan already...don't throw any punches Senator! :P
Molly Nelson (Harley Quinn)
Heya here we go for the first time :) dunno about this blog business. Guess at least if we blog on here we're way way way way way less likely to have to shoot each other haha. Lets try and keep this civil. Cheyanne just asked about glue like we keep a bottle of glue in our back pocket or something. Maybe ask Khy he used to eat it in elementary school :)
Alex (Haney) & Jeff (Senator)
Hello World!
This is Haney and Senator, we are introducing ourselves as two members of the Fleming SSI 7th hour class! We have opened this blog for uses of our class i.e. to debate current political and economic topics. You can contact out class about anything relevant at THANKS!
This is Haney and Senator, we are introducing ourselves as two members of the Fleming SSI 7th hour class! We have opened this blog for uses of our class i.e. to debate current political and economic topics. You can contact out class about anything relevant at THANKS!
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